Indoor Track and Field Kicks off the Season at South Side
By Monteserrat Nino

February 1, 2024

Track girls going outside for some practice. They are doing their warmups for running by jogging slower. In this photo from left to right there's Ellis Baron (9), Lily Hermann (10), Chole Amburgey (11), and Cyd Gochtovtt-stine (9). (Photo by Montserrat Nino (9)) 

Indoor Track and Field Starts to Kick it off this Season at South Side

By Montserrat Nino (9)

February 1, 2024

The indoor track and field began last week on January 24th, 2024 their season with Coach Taylor Buzzard, Coach Solani Licona, and Coach Grider. Students are now getting a head start in their spring competition season in January with their indoor competitions.

“I feel excited for the new season, I’m ready to see all the new faces and to see how it goes,” Track and Field Coach Taylor Buzzard said.

Due to the new students or students who want to try something new every year track and field have new people every year. Having them get into a physical activity can help a lot with not only your physical but your mental well being as well. 

 “The most important part about this season is getting the new athletes into their routines and getting comfortable with track,” Buzzard said.

Track can be a lot especially with people who don’t have experience. So having students get into a routine and getting used to certain habits will help a lot with running and even outside of running.

“I hope the athletes from where they are now reach their highest point. I hope we have a good team culture, everybody gets along and just has a good vibe on the team,” Buzzard said.

Nothing better in teams where they all get along and have a good vibe to them. Having supportive teammates and everyone having a good time with each other will make the best team. 

 “I feel nervous, seeing new people and getting into a new routine gets really nerve racking,” Alessandra Damian (11) said.

When starting a new season, seeing new faces, having to get into a new routine can be a lot especially when you're not used to things changing. Once you get the hang of it you won’t feel so nervous anymore. 

“I’d say the most important part about this season is having to make sure we all get along and having good team work here,” Damian said.

A team who also is supportive can do a lot for the team and the person. A person who is in a team who is supportive will be more confident, happier, and proud of themselves. 

“I hope I can reach my PR in the 400s,” Damian said.

A PR is a Personal Record. This is referring to your fastest time for a distance or a running event that is timed. 

“I think there is a lot of potential, I think this will be a good season  because there’s a lot of new people. We'll have a better season from that. Looking more into the future I think it will make South Side better,” Bradford Stoller (12)  said.

The more people who join track the more potential it has to become one of the fastest track teams. This can also be better for the season itself so everyone can be athletic.

“I feel like the most important part is that we try our hardest and put our best effort into this, and accomplish something we can all be proud of,” Stoller said.

Trying your hardest in track can improve your health, mentality, stress, depression and anxiety. This way you can become better overall. 

“I’m hoping to achieve just growing as a person, growing as an athlete, and connecting with everyone, making some memories just to make sure I have a good time,” Stoller said.

Making new friends in a sport can be an easy way to connect with people who are supportive and passionate. This way you can also grow from them.

“I think it’s exciting that track and field is starting now. I’ve been doing some physical training for this. I’m excited to see how the students this year will be compared to last year's group,” Lily Hermann (10) said.

It’s important to do some training before a sport so you can be ahead and be more ready than others. Training before joining a sport can also help your body build up strength and endurance over time. 

“I think it’s important to be mentally positive and make sure everyone stays healthy and holds ourselves accountable this season,” Hermann said.

Staying positive can build others motivation, ambition, and confidence. Holding themselves accountable can help gain knowledge about the importance of a healthy mind and body.

 “I want to work on my miles and I want to at least reach a certain amount of times and meters,” Hermann said.

Training before the season starts helps a lot with having faster distances and further meters. This way you can make progress and feel proud of yourself. 

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