Students Discuss the Benefits of Trio Upward Bound

By: Jo'Leana Yarbough 

December 15, 2023

Students, Mahkai Harris (10), Kamilah Townsend (10), Jo'Lawna Yarbough(10), May Cherry (10), Terry Sher (10) are listening to Founder Jazmine Morris talk about the program and different trips we are going to be taking. (Photo by Jo'Leana Yarbough)  

Students Discuss the Benefits of Trio Upward Bound 

By Jo'Leana Yarbough (10)

December 15, 2023

Trio upward bound is a program for students to sign up their freshman and sophomore year.The program goes through schools South Side, North Side, Wayne and Northrup.- The program helps students learn and prepare for well as just gives them an idea of what college may be like or how it may help them in the future. Talking to some of the students here everyone has different thoughts because everyone has had a different experience. 

Depending on your parents, you have a 4 year college degree and don't have a high income. So then this could affect you into getting into the program. 

“I sadly did not get into the program because my mom had already had her 4 year degree and my parents made enough money. But I really did want to do it because it seems like just a nice program for people who want to go to college,” Mahkai Harris (10) said. 

Even though there are some people who don't get accepted, there are others who do. They seem to be very happy with this because they like the fact it helps with college and  gives you many opportunities. 

“I got accepted into the program and I was happy, just because it seems like a nice program at least from what I've heard. And it also just gives me something to do not even just over the school year but for summer as well,” Anna Deck (10) said. 

Many people love this program because it just helps kids learn and gives them opportunities to become something in the future. Especially if you may not have had the chance to do it before. 

The founders of the program only want what's best for the kids that are in this program making sure that they learn and have fun at the same time. 

“ The entire point of the program is just for kids who want to go to college who may not be able to. We do fun things in the process because we can understand that not everything is supposed to be just learning because then kids get bored easily so giving them a learning environment but also taking them on field trips and letting them have freedom is what makes kids want to learn and make something of themselves, “ founder Jazmine Morris said. 

People do this program for the entire fun and learning stuff. They have plenty of stuff for you to do and stated before it's not just a school program , it's also a summer program and there is so much to do. 

“ Yes, there is so much stuff to do which is why I love trio upward bound, like they have tutoring and that helps with school. They have cultural events and they have big trips like we went to Cincinnati over the summer and Tennessee over spring break. So things like that just help us want to learn and have fun at the same time. Plus you get paid for it, like imagine getting paid to learn, “ Terry Sher (10) said.

So this is a fun and learning environment. Gives you many opportunities and just helps you understand college and school a lot better. Its really beneficial especially if you don't think you can make it or have the money for it but it's something you really want to do.

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