South Side's Theater Department takes a Trip on the Yellow Brick Road

By Montserrat Nino

November 28, 2023

This is the cast of The Wizard of Oz Musical practicing their vocals. There are 9-12th graders all in this one photo, I could not identify all of the students so there will be this photo to show who the cast members were when The Wizard of Oz was on set. This was originally going to be a photo of them acting but they were doing vocals so there is an image for that. (Photo by Montserrat Nino (9)) 

South Side's Theater Department takes a Trip on the Yellow Brick Road

By Montserrat Nino (9)

November 28, 2023

On November 17th and 18th the Wizard of Oz musical was on show. Many people arrived and cast members took months in advance to practice, they had some opinions to say before the day the musical started. 

 “I am excited but nervous about the musical, and rehearsal is fun but I am tired from everything that is going on,” Thomas Barkalow (9) said. 

Many cast members were nervous and scared about how the musical would go. But some were fairly confident about doing the musical. 

 “Hopefully I’m ready, I have my lines memorized so that’s a good start but all I need is more practice,” Barkalow said.

Some members got all of what they needed to say written down in their head, but they needed to be in the act more. They had to feel like they were in the play like the situation is actually happening. 

 “I don’t think everyone is ready yet, there’s definitely some people who need more practice,” Barkalow said.


There are still some people who would need more work on themselves but nothing major. Everyone seems to be confident that they are ready or they know how to fix themselves so it’s good how self-aware people are. 

“I am very excited that the musical is coming up because the kids, students, cast, crew, and teachers who have been working on it all have been working very hard. It’s exciting that the fruits of our labor are finally going to be happening,” Director Anthony Lorenzini said.

Everyone who was a part of the Wizard of Oz in any way has been working very hard on this. This includes set up, acting, directing, sounds, and lights. 

“Like I say to all of the actors and the people who are involved, the show doesn’t go on because it’s ready, the show goes on because it’s opening night and that it’s time to go. The thing about theater is that it can always be more ready, I think that we’re definitely ready to put on a show but to say that any theater is ever complete and ready to go is maybe untrue,” Lorenzini said.

Although everyone has been working very hard and trying their best for everything it may be true, maybe no matter how much you work hard for something or something it’ll never be “completely ready” or “complete”. Maybe some cast members were never ready to act but either way they had to do it. 

 “Well I think we’ll be ready for the show but that can be a loaded question,” Lorenzini said.

A loaded question is a question that is very complex and controversial that may contain falsehoods, an assumption, or unfounded presumption that may be guilt. This may be a loaded question since you don’t really know if the cast members are truly ready yet. 

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