South Side Clubs Provide a Warm Welcome Alternative to Trick-or- Treaters for Community

 By Montserrat Nino

                                                           November 10, 2023

South Side High School set up amazing decorations for trick-or-treaters. These decorations took days to set up with amazing photos and drawings by art students. (Photos by Montserrat Nino (9))

South Side Clubs Provide a Warm Welcome Alternative to Trick-or-Treaters for Community

By Montserrat Nino (9)

November 10, 2023

On October 31st kids could come after school and trick or treat at South Side High School. After school clubs stayed after that day in order to give out candy and let the kids play some games. There were a bunch of games, candy, and even a scary room to go into if you want a scare. 

“I feel like it was really fun and It was special because not most schools do things that we (South Side) did. We had a whole scary room to walk into and we kind of made little kids cry but at the same time it was funny, it was fun, and we had a good time,” Peacemaker Elissa Colin (9) said.

South Side is the only known school to have this type of activity after school. Although other schools may have it, it’s not as heard as it could be for South Side. 

“I did my makeup as a skeleton because it reminds me of El Día De Los Muertos and Coco the movie in a way and so that’s what I dressed up as,” Colin said.

Día De Los Muertos is a day where Mexicans get to visit a loved one who passed away and give them things they once loved. It’s a beautiful tradition on the 1st and 2nd of November where one’s family goes and gives their loved one things they enjoyed before passing away.

 “We were the ones scaring kids so we walked around the room with fake blood all over our face and we were acting like zombies and we would jump at kids from time to time while screaming at them. And after all the kids left we went trick or treating for a bit and we would go back just in case they needed help,” Colin said.

It wouldn’t be Halloween if no one got scared so some students had a job of scaring children when they entered a room filled with LED lights. It may be sad but they saw it coming for participating in a trick or treating at South Side high school. 

 “I thought it was very nice and cool, it was definitely something unique since I never really heard about any high schools doing anything like that,” Emily Toledo (9) said.

It’s not heard on how many high schools actually do this type of thing. It’s amazing to see a high school celebrate something like this so uniquely.

 “I didn’t really dress up as anything I just had my everyday clothes and then I did a skeleton look but the people who were in it added fake blood and white face paint onto my face so it could look like I was dead,” Toledo said.

In order to scare someone you would have to look dead. It’s amazing to see all the effort that was put into not only decorations but also makeup on students and how they dressed. 

“Before we were getting ready for the trick or treaters and going over what we’ll do and doing each other’s makeup, practicing. During the event me and one of my friends were in a room where there were LED lights and walking around in the back and every now and then someone would scream and we would scare little kids,” Toledo said.

The effort that was put into this was amazing, you could see decorations left and right, pictures being taken, and students scaring children. Not only that but how happy and excited everyone looked, they looked like they were so happy to be there and to participate in this Halloween special. 

“I thought the night went very well, it was a steady flow of tricks or treats, and the candy lasted through the whole night with a little leftovers, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, there were no issues,” Ms. Kim Olden said.

The event went by really well and everyone seemed to be having a great time there. There was no complications, everyone got candy, they all were able to have fun with no worries throughout the whole thing.

“Before the event we made decorations and decorated for about 3 weeks here and there. On the day of the event I helped one of the other teachers decorate and put up a certain so people wouldn’t go through the commons, and then we went and got our candy, and we did our usual of passing out candy,” Olden said. 

South Side would like to thank everyone who parcipated in the event. Without any of them the event wouldn't have gone as smoothly as it did. 

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