Abundant Love Church Celebrates 30th Church Anniversary

By Dynastii Jenkins 

November 10, 2023

Pastor Issac Fincher preaching the word and given God's praise quoting a speech in front of the Congregation delivers a message to those that need to understand. (Photo by Dynastii Jenkins (12))

Abundant Love Church Celebrates 30th Church Anniversary

By Dynastii Jenkins (12)

November 10, 2023

Abundant Love Church is a group of believers committing to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ! Together! They are his Church, walking in his kingdom, honoring the king. 

There was an event located at Abundant Love Church on November 5, 2023, Rev. Isacc Fincher Jr. was preaching there to give the word and preach about the scripture, Colossians 3:23-24. 

It was the church’s 30th anniversary and its generation had an opportunity to learn about the church’s history and to join in a celebration of the church on a grand scale. 

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” Pastor Issac Fincher, Jr. said. 

As pastor Issac Fincher read that scripture it meant that any and all our activity should be done in a way, with a heart, and goal of pleasing God that we shall not give up on accomplishing those in life upon us. 

Pastor Gary Bush, Sr. is head of the Church’s pastor that has preached there for 30 years now and he also teaches Sunday school to those that want to hear the word of God and truth be told. 

“Exceptional Service for the Lord”, Pastor Gary Bush said. 

The quote meant that service rendered to God, the rightful service bestowed upon God, is an endeavor bestowed by God Himself to fulfill His desires, encompassing the execution of His divine instructions.

“The church was very good and what the pastor preached today about whatever you do, work at it with all your might and not for human masters that meant don’t listen to what people has to say about what you want to do to become successful and that you can prove who ever wrong that you made it,” Andrea Jenkins (9) said.

“I am so blessed to be a part of this abundant love church family, God will always be remembered by all for the abundant love, wisdom, and joy he gave to his family and friends,” Laraysha Veazey (12) said. 

All God's children depend on him no matter what you're going through, you will always have to pray and believe that something out there is waiting for you to become successful, strong, worthy, humble, patient, passionate, believer, etc . Anything you set your mind to is a leap of faith. 

“Their Sunday School was amazing, helping me understand that it is important for me to feel that there are bigger things than my life out there for me to succeed and be happy on what I want to do,” Kamylla Gentry (8) said. 

The children enjoy having Sunday School to learn and understand God’s word on multiple levels of thinking, feeling, and doing, helping us to grow in our understanding of God's word, value God's word, and appropriately apply God's word to our lives.

Pastor Gary Bush, Sr. preaches to his congregation a word in Sunday School.  (Photo credit: Dynastii Jenkins (12))

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