Sports Helping Student's Mental Health 

                                                            By Montserrat Nino

November 1, 2023

The girls on the Cross Country team (Cyd Gochtovtt-Stine, Aries Odom, Chole Amburgey, Lily Hermann). They are having their daily run in the Lindenwood cemetery. (Photo courtesy of Instagram: fw_southsidexc)

Sports Helping Student's Mental Health

By Montserrat Nino (9)

November 1, 2023

It is shown on that participation in team sports reduces the risk of teen substance abuse, reckless behavior, and it is associated with lower rates of stress, anxiety, depression, and suicidal behavior. South Side students take advantage of these benefits in many sports throughout the school year.  

“It helps me get motivated into doing certain things and can get me physically active. Sports has helped me become less stressful,” volleyball player Alondra Martinez (9) said.

Sports can get students fit and healthier. This can really help them in the future whether it’s for a career or just for fun.

“This can make other students less stressful and put all of their anger onto this sport. This can help all of their problems go away,” Martinez said.

Students are now less stressed with anything personal going on. They can get all of their emotions out on meets or games. 

 “They can give students an outlet for their stress so when they come and exercise it helps reduce stress. It gives them a chance to work towards the goal and have some personal success, they can build some self confidence for achieving a physical goal that could be difficult for them,” cross country and track coach Taylor Buzzard said.

Now they can get a personal goal for themselves, they can feel proud of themselves because of this personal goal. This can also be a way students can have some self confidence. 

“It’s a nice stress relief for me from things that might happen during the day. For cross country I like being out of the course while it’s quiet and calm, just lowers my stress,” Buzzard said. 

Coaches can have a sense of relief and calmness when coaching. This can not only help students but also help coaches get their mind off of things for a while. 

South Side guys cross country (Aiden Sierks, Korben Hatfield, Casen Harl) having their daily run in the Lindenwood cemetery.  

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