Cheering On South Side with Section K's Spirit Celebration 

 Alice Kauffman

November 1, 2023

Lilyanna Hermann (10) and Clairanna Council (10) on Twin Day, with matching green sweaters and gray vests. They participated on the Spirit Days, helping South with their energy and showing the love. While both have attended football games, they're always involved with the school and its events. (Photo Credits: Alice Kauffman) 

Cheering On South Side with Spirit Celebration 

By Alice Kauffman (10)

November 1, 2023

As students enter the chaos of winter sports, saying goodbye to fall sports is always sentimental. South Side pride runs strong with football, and sectionals was buzzing like no other. To rev up for the game, Section K organized a spirit week. 

"It was fun looking at everybody dressed up and stylish," Marc Brooks (11) said.

In hopes of raising morale for a very important game, giving students the opportunity to have fun and socialize with an activity all week helps tremendously. 

“We normally have students of Section K give input, but it was a last minute, so me and Ms. Sandoval came up with the themes. We wanted something simple. We had more participation in this spirit week for sectionals than in the past, like PJ Day was big, but everybody loves PJ Day. Friday was Jersey Day or Anything South, so it got kids and staff to wear South gear,” Guidance Counselor Secretary Ms. Heather Williams said.

For this spirit week, Monday was a day without school, hence no theme. Tuesday was Dress Your Best,  in honor of picture day. The perfect way to begin a festive week is giving everyone a chance to show off. Following this, Wednesday was Pajama Day. While sticking with class is something that’s difficult for high school students, this was one of the days where dressing comfy is not frowned upon. Plaid pants, matching sets, and fuzzy socks were all over the school.

Thursday was exciting for every student who participated. The theme for this day was Twin Day. Out of all of the days, this theme was the biggest hit. Students were brought together, and got to show off friendships. 

“It gave us a little opportunity to create, and think of fun little ways to be similar, and I got to do it with one of my best friends. Yeah, I think that twinning with people is just fun, and joyful,” Amara Marion (10) said.

Everyone was getting excited for sectionals by Wednesday. Section K had set many things up for this year, including face paint at tailgates, spirit opportunities, high energy at games, and growing the amount of students attending the games. For all of the new freshmen this year, it’s a very high amount getting involved with South Side pride, and this is mainly thanks to Section K. 

"It's just fun for everyone to dress up and not wear a normal outfit. The games I have been able to make, they've been really fun, everyone's loud and rowdy, nobody's scared to be loud," Addison Rutledge (9) said.

Friday’s theme was Jersey Day, or Anything South Day. This is always a hit with students, because showcasing their Archer Pride, and Archer clothes, is something super fun and respectful to teachers and teammates.

Next year, hopes are lifted for South Side’s success. Students are getting more into football games, spirit weeks, and even raising money. This past week upped everyone’s energy and care for how our team goes, and contributed to the love for our football team as well. 

Amara Marion (10) and Alice Kauffman (10) went with a mismatched look for Twin Day, appearing right out of Dr. Seuss. Marion, a member of Section K, loved the football games, and showed her pride through attendance and dressing up for each Friday night game that she went to. (Photo Credits: Clairanna Council) 

Seniors do their best in the front row of Section K to cheer on South Side, during the Sectionals game, wrapping up the season. Each year, seniors pull their weight immensely, helping with scheduling, themes, and staying up close with the team. They hold tailgates and other events that get everyone filled with energy before game night. (Photo Credits: Melanie Reyes (12)) 

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