South Side Clubs Helping in Many Ways
By Montserrat Nino

October 18, 2023

This is a poster for the literature club. The posters in South Side are a pretty small size but noticeable to the eye. Below and on top of this posters there are more club posters for people to see, there are multiple posters on the wall sometimes. (Photo by Montserrat Nino)  

South Side Clubs Helping in Many Ways

By Montserrat Nino (9)

October 18, 2023

South Side high school has various clubs, which includes various amount of opportunities. Clubs at South Side High School can help students with their future skills and what career they might want.

 “It can give them lots of opportunities when it comes to different activities, and to make new friends, and to just meet new people in general,” Yusiariam Mayte (9) said. 

Students have higher advantages in job application and job searching. Teenagers can become more sociable when joining a club. 

 “I feel like it just helps the kids be more active and actually participate in different things rather than have kids who don’t do anything,” Mayte said.

They can be more motivated in doing things when doing clubs. If they are at home their motivation in doing certain things can drop. 

“They give me something to do so I’m not just at home not doing anything. They help me for things that I need like to help build up my resume for job applications or to just hang out with others after school that are like me in a way,” Mayte said.

Clubs can look good on students' resumes when looking for a job. They can have a hobby in what their club is about and it can show where they can be good at.

“I think clubs are very helpful, I think that depending on the club they have different ways like for a reason that kids would want to come to school, to hang out with their friends, they can drive you into new interests. I’ve got the literature club that meets with us once a week. I think they get a lot of information and they talk about different things they are interested in and something to look forward to,” Angela Faultz (Literature club leader) said. 

Clubs can give students new interests and can give students something to look forward to after school. This can be helpful for future use.

“They can really help drive up school pride and understanding what’s going on in the school building so like the can school their big thing is that they are showing that South Side cares about different things. They have a bunch of different clubs that do that, our French club or Spanish club they are definitely doing all these different things and help decorate, they’re really showing that we care about the South Side. It’s also helpful if you are from a French or Spanish club practicing what you're learning in class so you're most likely to get a better grade. It’s extra practice or something else that is really related to academics,” Faultz said.

This can really prove how much South Side cares about the school and their students in it. Clubs that teach another language can really help students with extra practice or finding out a new language. 

“The kids who are in the literature club come in and they are more interested in learning about literature and if they are in a club I am able to reach out to another teacher like “hey, how do they act as a student? Do you know what’s going on with them?” I could reach out that way if they are in another club,” Faultz said.

Students in clubs may be easier to handle since they did take a club of their own interest and with that they can pay more attention. It’ll be easier for the teacher to teach students with an interest in the topic you're talking about.


Posters of clubs being all around South Side with QR codes and brief explanation on what the club is with callout meeting.  

Peace Club  

The African American Club 

Archer Fan Club 

Philo Club

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