Teacher Profile: Sheila Leonard
Dynastii Jenkins

October 23, 2023

Guidance counselor Sheila Leonard working diligently to help students in a variety of ways in her office. (Photo by Dynastii Jenkins)

Teacher Profile: Sheila Leonard

By Dynastii Jenkins (12)

October 23, 2023

Guidance counselor Sheila Leonard is the a counselor you can count on and reach out to when needed. She helps with deciding what classes one needs to take in order to graduate. 

She gave me a lot of information on how many credits I need to graduate to get my diploma, but only pass the class with a C or above to pass any pathway classes and academics that are most importantly, you need to pass for you to graduate. 

“ What I like about Ms. Leonard is that she is very helpful in many different ways and very caring of others that need support,” Jennifer Camarena (12) said.

This student knows that Ms. Leonard is the most supportive counselor that cares about students' education and getting the help they need to graduate to pass their class. 

“She helps me out and directs me to colleges that has what I’m very interested in and sometimes she helps me even when I don’t ask it like today we had a college fair and to walk around to talk to those to get the information and ask questions about scholarships, internships, clubs, careers, and etc,” Camarena said.  

There was a college fair last week for all the seniors to go down and visit some of the colleges that interests them and asks lots of questions for them to apply and get accepted to their college.

Ms. Leonard’s life of being a guidance counselor means a lot to her to help out any students’ that is struggling in their classes that they can’t pass it for them to graduate and get their diploma. 

She wants the students to graduate and get their diploma to become very successful in the time of need so that when the seniors are gone they’ll be prepared for the future that comes to them to get out in the real world to make it happen. 

“ I love working with High School students because I see them as being the future of the world and  the more I get to know our high school students, the more hope I have for the future. So it's very encouraging to me, I have the opportunity to see what it is that’s going on in their lives and seeing how they’ll respond to it and help them respond to it in more healthy ways and grow for them to become stronger individuals, which then makes a possibility in a brighter future higher,”  Sheila Leonard said.

Ms. Leonard explained that she wants what’s best for the students for them to have the opportunity to learn and understand the consequences of having the chance to do anything you want in life for you to become successful and high strength to plan what you want to do to begin that task.

“I think that the reason why they come to me and share what they need help with is first avoid its a sign of intrude on their part because they admit that they either need somebody to talk to or whenever they need help with something and somebody see that they can trust me and that’s really important to be able to earn somebody’s trust and then be faithful to that, and I will bend over backwards for high school students because I value them so much and it’s even potential, and I want them to be able to see that potential to acknowledge their dream and what it is for them to get there,” Leonard said.

Ms. Leonard loves helping high school students because whenever they ask questions about something they don’t know or they're still confused about it, they will always come to her for anything because students know that she’ll do anything that’s possible for them to graduate and get those that are prepared for college. 

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