FWCS Shifts Homeroom from Once a Week to Everyday

By Montserrat Nino

October 3, 2023

Students gather in homeroom each morning to discuss careers, school, and bond overall during the daily activities. (Photo by Montserrat Nino)

FWCS Shifts Homeroom from Once a Week to Everyday

By Montserrat Nino (9)

October 3, 2023

The FWCS district had made a decision to make homerooms everyday now for every high school in FWCS. I’ve spoken with a teacher and some students and see how they feel about homerooms being everyday now. 

“I think that it’s a good use of time but every day might be a stretch,” French teacher Taylor Buzzard said.

The reason why it happens everyday now is because the district has been wanting us to do more activities but because of the short amount of time in a week they barely had time to do it. This is also for naviance,for the same reasons, we didn’t have enough time for naviance so we had to do it everyday now. 

“It gives students time to work on homework, get extra help, and work on graduation requirements,” Buzzard said.

Yes, students have been needing an archer period to be everyday now so they can plan up ahead for college. This helps students create a 4 year plan and a plan on what to do after graduation so they aren’t confused or stuck. 

“It’s an easier start to the day. An easier way to transition into teaching,” Buzzard said.

Teachers have found it easier to teach because of this. Now they can plan during homeroom on what they can do for their future classes. 

 “I think homeroom is okay so far, it can help with missing work and things you need to get done for other periods,” Mariela Ortega (9) said. 

Students can now have a free period to catch up on missing work and they can study for quizzes and tests that are coming up. Now they have more time to finish homework and future assignments that they weren’t able to finish at a certain time. 

“This can help other students in helping other students with work or having free time for other things,” Ortega said. 

When students graduate sometimes they don’t even know themselves on what to do, which is why we need homerooms, so students can create a 4 year plan on what to do after graduation so they aren’t lost by the time they go into college. 

“I don't think this helps me because I finish my work on time and I tend to finish my homework as well. To me it’s just a free period,” Ortega said.

There are students who are on time with everything and finish all of their work just in time. To them this is just a free period where they can do what they want. 

“I think homeroom is pretty good, I have a friend in my archer period so I am able to talk with him. I pretty much enjoy it myself," Esther Law (9) said.

Students who finished all of their work can now use their homeroom to talk with others. They can talk with others if the other person finished all of their work.

 “It gives us time to work on homework or any missing work in general. It could also give us more time to study for other classes,” Law said.

Students' grades may improve with homeroom. They may start having ideas on what they can do after high school.

“I have more time to do my work and to finish anything that is needed. I am able to study for classes and it gives me a good way to start the mornings,” Law said. 

Students seem to enjoy homeroom being everyday now, this can really help students in many ways. With Naviance and missing work, they can now have more time to work and finish all of their Naviance in time.

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