New Digital Clocks Throughout  South Side Help Students Get To Class On Time

By Alivya Herman

May 17, 2023

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A digital clock in the hallway displaying the message. Mr. Harl is working on different messages to appear on the clocks. As of right now it says, "Have a great day Archers!!" (Video by Alivya Herman)

New Digital Clocks Throughout South Side Help Students Get To Class On Time

By Alivya Herman (10)

May 17, 2023

Digital clocks take over the halls at South Side High School. These clocks are the first few in the Fort Wayne Community School district. It is assumed that the clocks are there because students aren't taught how to read the analog clocks. But it turns out that there are multiple reasons for the new clocks. 

Zachary Harl, Principal of South Side High School, is making changes to the school day by day. This is Mr. Harl's first year as principal. He had had the clocks added to keep the tardy count down and for the safety at South Side.

"This is apart of a STEAM project for us. So we had some students on a committee and talked about attendance in the building, talked about tardys to class and just looking for options to help that," Mr. Harl said. 

Having the digital clocks should help keep the tardy levels down once the system is complete. Also by having the digital clocks, all the times are synced to have the same times. 

"Once we get the system running, when the bell rings, it'll start a five minute count down clock so the kids can see exactly how much time they have to get to class," Mr. Harl said. 

The digital clocks are supposed to have many different uses for them. Mr. Harl is trying to make it so the clocks can be used as a security system with warnings and flashing lights as well as a clock. 

The school librarian, Katherine Lucas, has a love for books and reading in general. For her, she feels that the clocks are both aesthetically pleasing and beneficial to the students. 

"I think the messages are going to be fun. They're beneficial for communicating and with letting people know what time it is," Mrs. Lucas said. 

Ronnie White (10), is one of many students who think the clocks are going to be a good thing. He explains that the clocks are going to help the students who don't necessarily know how to read the analog clocks. 

"I mean, instead of people trying to figure out how to read the clocks, they can look up and see the actual numbers," White said. 

Obviously, the clocks are supposed to help students get to class on time and help eliminate tardies. But unfortunately, it is up to the students at South Side High School to help by getting to class on time. So please, South Side students, get to class on time and do what you're supposed to do. 

The new digital clocks at South Side. Every minute, a message comes up that says, "Have a great day Archers!!" (Photo by Alivya Herman) 

The analog clocks that are still in classrooms but are out of the halls! (Photo by Alivya Herman)

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