South Side Students Prepare For a Journey Through The Enchanted Forest

By Jacob Marbach

April 28, 2023

Olivia Soto (11) is putting up South Side's 2023 prom flyers up around the school. Approximately 20 are spread around the school so students know the location, date and time when prom starts, as well as the ticket price. (photo by Jacob Marbach (12)) 

South Side Students Prepare For a Journey Through The Enchanted Forest

By Jacob Marbach (12)

April 28, 2023

Everyone's dream is to have a date for their high school prom, and to have the best night of their lives. Luckily for South Side students, prom is coming up! On May 6th from 8:00 to 11:00pm South Side is hosting prom in Purdue Fort Wayne’s International ballroom.

“This year's prom theme will be enchanted forest, there will be an abundance of flowers and a pink backdrop,” said Student Council leader, Katherine Shepherd.

Prom of 2023 will be the third year of prom after the Covid Catastrophe, it will also be the second year in a row that South Side is hosting prom in the international ballroom. The majority of the proms budget is spent on the venue, and the rest is used for activities for the night.

The price for the tickets are 25$ for one and $40 for a couple. This year's theme will be “Enchanted Forest”, with the dress code of greens, whites, and light pastel colors.

Students can confirm their eligibility by checking the no prom list located in the lunchroom. the list is sorted by student ID number and shows how many absences, or failing grades you have. Ultimately, there will be confirmation if you are able to attend prom 2023. (photo by Olivia Soto (11)) 

“We ask the school if we can get certain things, then they will either approve or deny our request so there isn't a specific budget amount. Excluding other activities, it cost roughly $3500 for decorations alone," said Shepherd.

Unfortunately this opportunity won’t be handed out to everyone, there are certain requirements students must meet in order to participate; you cannot have more than three failing grades and five unexcused absences. 

"The no prom list is an excellent idea to have not just for south side, but for all schools. The requirements make students who are slacking a reason to get their grades improved. It is also beneficial because they won't be letting just anyone in prom," said Soto.

The blueprint picture of the ballroom shows where everything will be located. 12 tables with nearly 100 seats will be in the center, a snack bar will be near the back. There will be a stage in the front with a plethora of flowers of different colors. (photo by Jacob Marbach (12)) 

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