South Side Hosts first "Math Carnival"

By Olivia Soto

April 17, 2023

Flyer on the main door of Gym 2, welcoming the students to the Carnival. (Photo by Olivia Soto)

South Side Hosts first "Math Carnival"

By Olivia Soto (11)

April 17, 2023

On April 12th 2023, the Math Carnival for Indian Village elementary school was held in gym 2 at South Side High School. The carnival was held from 6pm to 8pm and was the first carnival at the school.

The South Side students created the games that would be played at the carnival, and the students from Indian Village played them. The games where created to use simple elementary based math, things like; adding, subtracting, and identifying shapes.

“ My favorite part was when the kids face would light up when they got the right answer and got a prize,"  Mariah Grim (11) said.

Students of Indiana Village and their parents were greeted with face paintings and a free mini popcorn snack bag after signing in. The whole carnival took place in Gym 2 and had up to 12 games going on at once. 

Junior and Senior students in pre-calculus and quantitative reasoning with Head of the Math Department, teacher Todd Croft and Math Teacher Leah Morris has been working on the carnival games since the beginning of February 2023. They also had the opportunity to volunteer and help run a game, along with teachers and helpers from Indiana Village. 

Juniors Mariah Grim (11) and Angel Zamorano (11) watching an Indian Village student and her family complete their game for a prize. (Photo by Olivia Soto)

Senior Jacob Marbach (12) explains the game to a 3rd grader Courtney Stroud (3) (Photo by Olivia Soto)

“This is the best. I love playing games,” Indian Village student Courtney Stroud (3) said. 

Besides creating a fun event for both school’s students to attend, there is also a larger reason. Every year South Side is given statistics showing how many students are choosing to attend South Side from their feeder schools. This year in particular, less students and their families are choosing to send their children to South Side for High School. 

" My sister goes here and I hope to go here to," Stroud said.

Principal Zachary Harl has asked many departments within the school to help involve more students from our feeder schools. Starting with a video from the Mass Media department demonstrating everything South Side offers, other departments are trying to create ways to involve the community of the young future archers. 

Familes greeted and signing in.

Indian Village brought all of the prizes for their students to win, consisting of; stamps, stickers, rubber toys, etc.

Indian Village student using subtraction to solve a problem in a game.

Water and mini popcorn bags handed by the main doors as families enter.

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