South Side Boys Race to be Crowned King of Semi-Formal

By Olivia Soto

February 27, 2023

Nathaniel Pickett (12), Jacob Marbach (12), Jose Rivera (11), Juan Villabos (12) - The cans of the fundraisers lined up by Ms.Groh's room waiting to be picked up. (Photo by Olivia Soto)

South Side Boys Race to be Crowned King of Semi Formal

Olivia Soto (11)

February 27, 2023

The student-run Philo Club, a philanthropy club that raises money, hosts the semi-formal every year, having the student body nominate who should run for King and Prince. Once chosen, four juniors and four seniors are trying to raise money. The top fundraiser for each grade will earn Semi King for the senior student, and Semi Prince for the junior student. 

" Philo has been around since the 20s, it's a tradition to have only boys run for King and Prince since Ivy Day is for the girls," Amy Groh, leader of the Philo Club said.

At the dance, the winners are announced at the dance in a big celebration. This year, the Seniors have been in a neck-and-neck competition. Hanging flyers and holding their pringle cans out for spare change, hoping they reach the biggest donations before everyone else.

"Asking people is the hardest part, I'm an introvert," Jose Rivera (11) explained. Rivera reports that he has been gathering between two and five dollars a day. 

The money that they raise, and the ticket sales, go to Courageous Healing Inc. in Fort Wayne on Anthony Boulevard. Courageous healing offers Culturally Centered Mental Health services for youth and adults. The money also goes to funds for next year's Semi Formal. In previous years they were called “King and Prince of Hearts”. Unfortunately, since this year's theme is “A Mascarade Ball”, so it wouldn't fit.

" This is only our second year donating to Courageous Healing, the years previous there were multiple charities," Groh said. Philo chose Courageous Healing because they are in the Fort Wayne area and are run by people of color, which is huge for 

Senior Juan Villibos was in the lead most of the first week and even had a one-hundred-dollar bill in his can, then Senior Jacob Marbach caught up and was in the lead as of Wednesday the 22nd. Others find getting money challenging and have gained most of their money from family.

"Even if I don't win, I'm just excited about the dance," Rivera said.

In the end, it's all fun and games. Philo found a creative way to raise money and have a little school competition. Come out to the dance Saturday, February 25th to see who gets crowned. It will be announced around the middle of the dance, and the winner gets to wear a crown and sit in the King's Chair. 

Groh counting up the money brought in on Thursday February 23rd. (Photo by Olivia Soto)

Senior Mavrick Rowe donating to Marbach's can. (Photo by Olivia Soto)

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