The Peacemakers Return After a Month-long Break

By Po Aye

Feburary 9, 2023

The Peacemaker club having a meeting afterschool. They discussed real-world problems after a one month break. (Photo by Po Aye)

The Peacemakers Return After a Month-long Break
Byline: Po Aye (10)

February 9, 2023

The Peacemakers are a well-known club here in South Side High School, which began last year in 2021. The group consists of a wide range of students who are constantly joining in hopes of wanting to make some sort of positive change surrounding the school. 

The members of the club work hard every day in order to create and keep peace not only inside, but also outside of the school. Aspects of the group’s goals include bringing awareness about real world issues such as suicide, gun violence, shootings, and more. 

“My overall goal of this club is to get people to understand the value of human life. They’re valuable not because of what they give, but because of who they are, and when they understand that value, they see the value of other people,” Chris Lahr, the educator coordinator of the Peacemakers said.  

 Students at South Side High School sometimes seem to forget that someone else is just as valuable as themselves. This often leads to arguments and fights. However, the Peacemaker club’s sole purpose is not only to stop fights, rather, their goal is to spread love: love between yourself, strangers, your friends, and everyone around you.

“Just because you don’t have your whole life put together doesn’t mean you can’t be peaceful,” Said Mekhi Pinkson (10).

From becoming less violent to bettering their mental health, the members of the Peacemaker club don’t only help others, but are also positively working on themselves as well.

The Peacemakers club influences many people, both inside and outside of South Side High School. With what they do, not only are they changing the people around them, but them themselves too. 

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