Tardies are a Major Concern in the
Hallways of SSHS
by Roshaina Mohamad

Feb 9, 2023

The bell has rung, and students are still strolling the hallways and chatting with friends. They're taking their time to get to the next class.  Teachers and administration think it's gone too far. (Photo by Roshaina Mohamad) 

Tardies are a Major Concern in the Hallways of SSHS
by Roshaina Mohamad (10)

February 9, 2023

Tardiness means to be late, slow or sluggish and is a form of misconduct. If a student is being tardy, they're simply presenting the lack of responsibility. Nowaday tardiness is not much of an issue for some students; to them it seems to be a normal occurrence. Being tardy all the time to class shows carelessness and a waste of time. Being on time is not only a duty for students but also a part of good manners, respect and reputation. Students should know how to value their time and do their best for their future.  

In South Side High School, there are a lot of tardies, and it needs to go down. If more students get to classes on time, it can help later on in their future and it can help south side reputation. 

“Everyone experiences once in their life but sometimes those tardy are purposeful so if they are purposeful and it’s a assess amount of them then they should be held  accountable for it,” Po Aye (10) said.

Everyone is accountable for their actions.  If you don’t value your own time and don't do the best for your future then who will? Only you can give yourself the best things in your lifetime. If you are being tardy every day and don’t care about school or anything at all then you’re only breaking yourself down. 

Can being tardy affect your future?

 “Yes, because graduating also has to do with attendance. If you have bad attendance then they probably will hold you back,” Waiwai Lway (10) said.

Of course, your attendance counts toward your graduation but what about jobs. Kids nowadays say they don’t care about their future but at the end of the day everyone has to get a job at one point and when that time comes around who doesn't want a job that pays you well. For you to get that job that pays you well you have to try hard now instead of being careless. 

What can adults do to help the kids that  are struggling with tardiness?

“All kids have their reason but the best thing to do is sit them down and talk to them and see what’s wrong. If they still don’t fix it then parents come to school to watch their kid,” chemistry teacher Mrs. Stephanie Jones said.

Students are divided with this statement because a lot of parents have to go to work and it's not fair for them if they have to come to school just because their kid is not going to class. They should get the kids that are tardy into one classroom at lunch time after they get their lunch and give them assignments to do while they eat everyday until they act right. 

You should just do what you have to do and get to classes on time. You don’t get anything out of being tardy but the worse for your future. To be successful in life you have to work hard. Nobody gets the things they want but being careless. Being tardy is just showing you don’t want to win in life. 

This is what the hall should look like after the bell ring. Everyone should be in their classes. (Photo by Roshaina Mohamad)

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