Save the Date: Semi-Formal 2023 Returning
by Alice Kauffman

January 31, 2023

The entrance for the Semi-Formal event last year, topped off with gold and black balloons near the red carpet welcomed South Side students for the first time post-Covid. (Photo courtesy of Ms. Amy Groh)

Save the Date: Semi-Formal 2023 Returning
by Alice Kauffman (9)

January 31, 2023

This year’s Semi-Formal will be held on Saturday, February 25th, 2023. The dance starts at 8 o’clock pm, and goes until 11 pm. It’s being held inside Gym 2. A single ticket costs $15.00, but if someone else is accompanying you, a double ticket is $25.00.

This is a very special day, because last year was the first Semi-Formal held in a long period of time. Due to Covid, dances and social events were cut short and canceled. During an interview, Philo Club leader Ms. Amy Groh also talked about the past Semi-Formals, and the importance of this one.  She recollected her first year teaching, and talked about how long it’s been since she witnessed a Semi-Formal. 

“Throughout the 2018-2019 year, they held their last successful Semi-Formal,” said Groh. “In 2020, they attempted to piece one together, but there wasn’t a lot of talk about the event, so not many people showed up.” 

Some of the seniors and juniors may remember missing out on this special time, and several would say that school dances are a core memory.

Last year, the Semi-Formal received really great feedback! Students loved it, and a total of over 200 kids participated. That isn’t a lot when you look at the size of the school, which is why it’s important that people start talking about it ahead of time. If people start talking about it now, then it’ll get more attention than the past years. With a huge group of people, this year could be a lot more fun, and bring in much more money!

“We want to guarantee that every student has the most enjoyable high school year possible,” Jennifer Loo (12) said

Loo is the president of Philo Club, and has worked hard this entire year. During the interview, she was also asked what the best part of Semi-Formal is! She responded with, “The best part about Semi-Formal is the process of getting ready with your friends, taking pictures, and dancing the night away. It is also finding out who our King and Prince are!” 

She spoke about Philo’s work this year. December was the mark where planning truly began, despite brainstorming in the earlier months, and since then, it’s been on everyone’s mind. The posters have recently been put out, along with a QR code where you can vote for the King/Prince! It’s very engaging to have a vote for King and Prince of Semi-Formal, and creates a great thing that everyone can participate with.

Loo pointed out that this is a nice event where you can test getting out of your comfort zone! People will be dancing, eating good food, and spending quality time with their friends. If you’ve never been to a dance, this is a perfect start. This is something that each person can have fun at, and even if you don’t love to dance, there’s lots of other activities to partake in!

The theme this year is Masquerade Ball! This consists of candles, dark purples and blues, flashy gold and silver, with touches of feathers and glitter. Everyone will have the opportunity to bring a masquerade themed mask, or pay to make their own somewhere near the door. People are

already discussing their dresses and suits, the goal is to make an appearance in something extravagant. 

If you’re struggling to pick an outfit, feel free to ask Philo members what would match with the theme and decor. If you are in need of a dress, Ms. Groh has collected some as donations, don’t be afraid to ask her for one if it’s not affordable for you!

The Court and selected Prince and King make a group appearance for a photo! Ordered from left to right: Samsawn Pakasan (12), Mason Brindle (12), Aidan Hapner (12), Tacitus Chapman, Nathaniel Pickett (12), Pah Eh Soe Doe, Theo Pancake (12), Jayden Morris (12), and Holden Robbins. (Photo courtesy of Ms. Amy Groh)

Some of the Philo members who helped orchestrate this event pose for a photo with their advisors Ms. Amy Groh and Ms. Pearson. In order from left to right are: Ms. Groh, Jennifer Loo (12), Liz Hernandez (12), Mue Yae Pae (12), Ms. Pearson, and Eh Nay Day (11)! (Photo courtesy of Ms. Amy Groh)

A tradition that South Side carries out involves electing a King and Prince for the dance, rather than a King and Queen. On their thrones, Nathaniel Pickett (12) and Pah Eh Soe Doe (11) take their spots! (Photo courtesy of Ms. Amy Groh)

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