Padron's Science Class


By the end of the year, 8th graders should be able to:





About me

Hi students,

I am Mr. Padron, your science teacher.  I am looking forward to sharing with you the excitement of learning science.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


  You can email me or message me through Google Classroom.


These are useful resources that will be visted in class.

Student sites

Parent sites

School forms

Science Standards


Next Generation Science Standards


Mr. Padron’s

Course Expectations

Welcome to an exciting year in your educational endeavors. The aim of this class is to show you the world of science in a different way, to both excite and challenge the student, and most important to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment.



Students will be assessed through an array of methods: Student progress will be assessed using class discussions, Amplify assignments, lab activities, projects, reports, group work, class and home assignments, tests and an occasional quiz (30%).

Student progress and understanding of the material will be assessed using formative assessments and common formative assessments that will drive the curriculum.

Class/Homework: (30% of total grade)

Class assignments require more time to complete than the time allotted during class time, therefore it is considered homework. Students will complete classwork assignments at home and prepare all assignments on Thursday evenings to be submitted Fridays. This method allows parents/guardians to

overlook and assist in the student’s learning process.

Exams/Quizzes: (30% of total grade)

Tests will be given to assess student comprehension of the subject material covered. There will be various methods of assessing student concept leaning and comprehension, from multiple-choice tests, discussions, projects, writing journals and whole class fishbowl seminars.

Lab/Activities and Projects: (30% of Total Grade)

Students will be working in lab activities with their partners, and it is their responsibility to complete the lab during class time and to be responsible for helping set up the lab, perform the lab and to clean up after the lab.

Group Collaboration & Participation: (10% of Total Grade)

Every student deserves the right to a safe, comfortable, and positive learning environment. Students should be able to modify their own behavior academically and socially during class and during lab activities. Students will participate by Listening, Writing, Speaking and Reading every day in class.


The class will be divided into 4 segments:

Segment 1: Up Close; Objects move and Collide (Physics).

Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity, Forces and Motion, Types of Interactions, Definitions of Energy, Defining and Delimiting Engineering.

Segment 2: Noncontact Forces Influence Phenomena (Astronomy).

The universe and its stars, Earth and the Solar System, Types of Interactions (electric, magnetic & gravitational).

Segment 3: Evolution Explains Life’s Unity and Diversity (Genetics).

The History of Planet Earth, Inheritance of Traits, Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity, Natural

Selection, Adaption.

Segment 4: Sustaining Local & Global Biodiversity (Human Impact & Light).

Wave Properties, Electromagnetic Radiation, Information Technologies and Instrumentation, Earth and the Solar System, Human Impacts on Earth Systems, Adaptation, Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems.


Responsibility and personal commitment are highly valued in the class. It is expected that each student gives their best effort for all assignments, assessments, discussions, labs and invest their best interests to all activities of the class. “If you believe that you will not succeed, you are right, and if you believe that your will succeed, you are right.” – Theodore Roosevelt. How much you commit yourself to your education, is what you get out of class.


Everyone deserves a safe, interactive, and a positive learning environment; therefore, the following are expectations for all students:

1. Show respect for yourself and others.

2. Make good decisions, always do the right thing.

3. Solve problems.

4. Be responsible.


The student will be graded on a point percentage system:

90-100% = A, 80-89% = B, 70-79% = C, 60-69% = D, 59% or lower = F

Late, missing or incomplete work…

If absent, it is the responsibility of the student to ask group mates, check the absent folder and check in Google Classroom for missed assignments, all assignments are submitted on Fridays. Have your work ready to turn in completed on Friday evenings. If a student is absent on Friday, they are expected to submit their work on Monday evening.