Mr. Jones

Math 7 - CC2/ P.E. 8

RM. C-208

Math CC2 7th Grade - Periods 1, 2, 3, and 4

Physical Education 8th Grade - Period 6

Hello! My name is Mr. Jones and I went to Saint Mary’s College of CA in which I earned both a Bachelors and Masters degree in Accounting. I worked in both Public and Private sectors within the Accounting Industry for seven years. However, my real passion lies within teaching and helping students with how they view numbers and math concepts in a positive light. With much support and working closely with a children’s theatre company before COVID-19, I realized that my energy and passion really went towards the kids I was working with.

As a student in middle school and high school, math was a hard subject to wrap my head around and grasp the concepts. As I slowly surrounded myself with peers and teachers who provided the necessary skills and supports for me to succeed, I was able to master the field of mathematics (specifically Algebra and Geometry) but able to grow and appreciate math in my later high school years and when I went to Saint Mary's College of CA and became a tutor for the duration of my 4 years.

My philosophy for math is to learn and master the foundational concepts in a group or partner settings and to apply these new learning concepts or different techniques to master their homework, quizzes, and exams. I believe in both verbal and visual representation of core math content being presented. In addition, I believe in helping my students to not only become resources to their peers, but become leaders of organization and note-taking for future and current subjects. Math is something that should not be feared, but something that students should challenge and ask questions and make connections to real life situations.