1st Open Call for Exchange Programme

Dissemination Toolkit

Here is a compilation of communication materials for the partners of euROBIN to contribute to disseminating its first Open Call

All the euROBIN partners are committed to collaborate in the dissemination of the call. 

For you to do so in a smoother way, we have prepared this set of materials to make it easier. 

Follow us on Social Media!

Use this links to start following the latest updates of our amazing project.



Launch post

These are our landing posts! Give them a boost with your personal/company accounts!



Weekly post

This section will be updated weekly with the newest posts, so you don´t miss anything.



Press Release

The official announcement of the open call launch, including all the necessary content and links for the 1st euROBIN Open Call. Feel free to shorten it according to your needs or translate it to your own language if necessary. 

We strongly suggest you publish it as an announcement or article in your websites and share it with your media database. 

You know, sharing is caring!

euROBIN Press release long.docx
euROBIN Press release one pager.docx

Press Release: long version

Press Release: one page version


The registration for the fist Info Day is now open under this link: https://events.zoom.us/ev/AgZ-az-TBxD4q5mMtHT-rm06g7p1nOofBbvBjjEAZQGyj4VuQC48~AggLXsr32QYFjq8BlYLZ5I06Dg
You will also find a banner, email and social media copies template in the sections below! See you there on April 20 at 15:00 Brussels time.

Landing Page

Remember to redirect your stakeholders to this landing page in your posts. They will find the Guide for Applicants and all the information there.



Use the following banner for your webs and social media posts.

Social media copies

A document including different social media messages for each phase of the Open Call

Remember to tag the partners and feel free to ask us for help or advise whenever you need!

euROBIN_1stOpenCall_Social Media Copies.docx

Email template

euROBIN1stOC_email template.docx