The theft of the languages stone

When people outside of Egypt discovered the large amount of picture writing called ‘hieroglyphs’, they spent years trying to figure out what the ancient Egyptians were saying.

Many professionals spent a lot of time on its translation but they just couldn’t decipher it. It wasn’t until the Rosetta Stone was found, that they had a way to decifer the messages of the ancient Egyptians.

The stone has two different languages: hieroglyphic and Greek and using three different types of script. The third script was demotic, which was commonly used in Egypt. And it was used to decipher "hieroglyphs".

The Rosetta stone has been stored for centuries in the British Museum but someone has stolen it and humans have a big problem!

Now, in 2018, humans have really important problems to learn and decipher languages since the Rosetta stone was stolen. In fact, Spanish people are not even able to reach a B2 level of English and, for them, learning this language is great problem. NOW, YOU HAVE A MISSION!

You need to follow all the clues so as to find the Rosetta Stone and get it. If you do so, you will get a reward which can be related to your exam but CAN YOU DO IT IN 45 MINUTES?

The theft of the languages stone_PEQUEÑO.mp4