Click on the link below to get into or join our Google Classroom (students).


Please contact Mrs. Kessel with any questions at  skessel@fuesd.org

To get set up on your Chromebook, visit and watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM4cIGd4sR0

To join our Google Class: From Clever, go to Google Classroom.  Click on the + sign at the upper right.  Click on "join a class".  Enter our class code (l2srkl3) and you're in!

Welcome to my class! 

                     Welcome (click here) 

Click on "Welcome!" for an introduction video.  Please watch this, parents and students, if you are a new parent/student.  

5th Grade might be your favorite!  Let's grow our minds together!


8:15-8:30 AM I ELA Review/announcements/atten-dance 

8:30 - 9:00 AM Mondays: library

8:30-10:30 AM | English Language Arts

Tues. and Thurs. 9:55-10:45 PE

10:50-11:05 AM | Recess

11:10 AM | Mathematics

12:30 - 1:10 PM | Lunch

1:10 - 2:20 PM | Math on Tues. and Thurs.

1:10 - 2:20 PM I Science on Mon. and Fri.

2:10-2:25 PM | Individual Learning/Universal Access

Wed.: Dismissal at 1:30

2:25-2:30 PM Dismissal

Once a week: Library, Luminary arts (Music, Acting, Dance)

Email me in order to communicate: skessel@fuesd.org

Classroom Expectations 

Under the umbrella of kindness, students are expected to be responsible, respectful, ready, and reliable. 

Strive to live by The Eight Habits every day.

(See Welcome Slides above)