Welcome to Mrs. Price's PreschoolClass

Please contact Ms. Jill with any questions at (760) 847-9318 or jprice@fuesd.org

Welcome to Preschool!

I am so excited and eager to start the new school year! It will be a year of growth and challenges for us all! Most of you know me already as I have had your children in my class for multiple years, but in case you aren't familiar with my background, here is a little bit of information about me. 

I have been married for 30 years and I have two daughters, ages 23 and 22. I started working in the field of special education as a program assistant in 2006. I decided to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher and finally accomplished that dream in 2013. 

As we begin this years journey together of  teaching/learning, they key to our success is communication! I am here for you! Don't hesitate to reach out!

Ms. Jill

Our Daily Classroom Schedule

Office Hours

AM Session

7:50-8:15 Social/Self-Help

8:15-8:45 Circle Time/Large Group Instruction

8:45-9:45 Center Rotations

9:45-10:00 Circle Time/Alphabet

10:00-10:20 Snack Time

10:20-10:30 Music Time

10:30-10:50 Recess/Pack-up/Dismissal

PM Session

10:50-11:15 Social/Self-Help

11:15-11:45 Circle Time/Large Group Instruction

11:45-12:45 Center Rotations

12:45-1:00 Circle Time/Alphabet

1:00-1:20 Snack Time

1:20-1:30 Music Time

1:30-1:50 Recess/Pack-up/Dismissal

Parent Resources 

Designated Instructional Service (DIS ) Providers Contact Information: 

Speech Therapist- Sarah Bishop, sbishop@fuesd.org

Adapted Physical Education Specialist- Kelly Pittman, kpittman@fuesd.org

Occupational Therapist- Brianna Dambacher, bdambacher@fuesd.org

Behavior Department Website- https://sites.google.com/fuesd.org/behavior/home