Mary Fay Pendleton Physical Education



                 Mary Fay Pendleton Physical Education 2nd - 8th Grade

Please contact Mr. Pinnell with any questions through email at:-

Mary Fay Pendleton (760) 731-4050

Welcome to our class! 

My name is Craig Pinnell and I am your 2nd to 8th Grade Physical Education teacher at Mary Fay Pendleton. 

We fully utilize our beautiful campus and facilities, including our state of the art gymnasium, field and courts. 

Students will participate in two 50 minute PE sessions each week in grades 2nd-6th, and everyday for 45 minutes in 7th and 8th grade. These will cover health and physical education lessons, as well as assessment activities posted on our PE Google Classroom.

We look forward to a year of learning together, learning new skill sets, and setting healthy and active lifestyle goals. 

Thank you for sharing your student with us this year.

Please contact classroom teachers to see grade level   

                            2024/25 P.E. schedules

                                                          Office Hours 

I will be available during office hours to connect and find out how I can better support your student's learning.

Please email me to set up a time.