The College and Career Center (CCC) is under new management by Ms. Julia Vallejo. A new website will be up soon in order to support all RHS students with college, career, and military information, scholarship and financial information, employment opportunities, volunteer and interneship opportunities, resume support, and much more! Stay tuned to this site for more information very soon!

The College & Career Center helps facilitate the following: career exploration, post-high school planning, college & military information, scholarship and financial aid information, employment, volunteer and internship opportunities, resume support, plus more! Students are encouraged to use the College & Career Center or set up appointments with Ms. Julia for support in attaining their goals.

El Centro Universitario y Profesional ayuda a facilitar lo siguiente: exploración de carreras, planificación posterior a la escuela secundaria, información universitaria y militar, información sobre becas y ayuda financiera, empleo, oportunidades de voluntariado y mucho más! Se recomienda que los estudiantes utilicen el Centro Universitario y Profesional o que pidan una cita con la Sra. Julia para recibir apoyo/información para alcanzar sus metas universitarias y profesionales.