Future School Outdoor Education

Education. Outside.


Get kids outside. That sounds really simple, but it's our entire mission. Recreating in the outdoor space seems like it would be really easy, right? Well, there are lots of barriers to entry. The largest of which is cost. Outside is EXPENSIVE. We remove every barrier we can and we get kids outside.

Curriculum Topics

New Kayaks on the Buffalo National River!


Year By Year Breakdown

Our curriculum is broken down into 2 years, Outdoor Ed 101 and Outdoor Ed 201. Senior students that excelled in Outdoor Ed 201 have the opportunity to advance as a TA in their senior year. We have 2 TA's per year.

Outdoor Ed 101

-Public Lands Management -Backpacking

-Leave No Trace Ethics -Rock Climbing

-Wilderness First Aid -Kayaking/Canoeing

-Expedition Cooking -Water Filtration

Outdoor Ed 201

-Facilitation -Wilderness First Responder

-Feedback -Expedition Planning

-Group Dynamics -Forestry and Ecology

-Sawyer Certification -Portfolio Design