Julia Gannaway

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6th & 7th Grade Math!


In grade 6, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) performing all four operations with integers, positive decimals and positive fractions with procedural fluency; (2) exploring and applying concepts of ratios, rates and percent to solve problems; (3) creating, interpreting and using expressions and equations; (4) extending geometric reasoning to plotting points on the coordinate plane, area and volume of geometric figures and (5) extending understanding of statistical thinking. 

In grade 7, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) recognizing that fractions, decimals and percentages are different representations of rational numbers and performing all four operations with rational numbers with procedural fluency; (2) creating equivalent expressions and solving equations and inequalities; (3) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships in two variables; (4) extending analysis of two- and three-dimensional figures to include circles and cylinders and (5) representing and comparing categorical and numerical data and developing understanding of probability. 

Contact Julia Gannaway

Email: gannawayj@fsdbk12.org

Phone: (904) 827-2553

I will respond within 24 hours of contact. 

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