Technology: People and their Inventions

This unit will explore the people who have shaped the technology we use today. As a class we will learn about the people who have shaped our world through their inventions. In addition to whole class learning, students will individually explore and complete a mini research project on a person of their choice.

Unit Requirements:

Students will be using Google Docs and the Internet for their research. If you are behind in your research you are expected to work at home. Please bring your headphones or ear buds to class, as some of your research might include watching a video.

Assignments and Assessments

Tips when researching your topic:

  • Search for keywords. If your searching for a person search for their name and a keyword, it's a good way to narrow your results
  • If you're looking for Bill Gates search for Bill Gates inventions, or Bill Gates technology
  • Go to more than one website and make sure you find one that is comprehensive (has a lot of information) and is easy for YOU to understand
  • Do NOT just read the little summary that shows up when you search, go beyond the brief summary
  • Find reputable websites
    • If the site ends in .gov or .edu it's most likely a good site
    • If you recognize the site it's probably good (Biography, Newsweek, National Geographic etc.)
    • Be ware of spelling errors or things that just don't seem right.
  • If you can't find something ask for help.