Dream Vacation Unit

Our Dream Vacation is a big project.

You will need to make sure you are using your class time wisely.

Please make sure you ask questions and get help if you get stuck.

Documents Needed to Complete the Project

You will use the Dream Vacation Project sheet that is located in Google Classroom to complete the project here is an extra copy of the planning sheet

Your rubric has been printed and handed to you. Here is an extra copy of the rubric

All of your citations will be completed using Easybib and handed into Google Classroom after all of the research is complete.

Timeline of Dream Vacation Research Project:

*Please note you MUST use multiple websites.

Day 1 - Learn the expectations of the project and the rubric. Research for Part 1 Basic Facts

Day 2 -Learn how to plan a flight. Complete Part 1 Basic Facts, Research your flight, Save it to Google Drive and begin filling the information into your planning sheet.

Day 3 - Learn how to book a hotel. Complete flight and hotel.

Day 4 - Review searching for restaurants as a class. Complete the restaurant portion of the project. Search for and save links for attractions.

Day 5 - Finish filling in the information for the attractions. Today is the last day to complete research in class.


Organizing Tips:

Create a bookmarks folder for your research. Every time you find a good website bookmark it in the Dream Vacation Folder.

Tips for your Facts:

Use sites like Britannica Middle found in the MeL Databases to complete Part 1 Basic information. The site will give you facts, not opinions and the information comes from reputable sources.

Putting facts into your own words can be tough. After you read a fact pretend you have to tell a friend also looking at your screen makes putting things into your own words tougher so look away, pretend to tell a friend and chances are it will be easier to put into your own words.

Tips for your Flight:

Make sure you expand all of the information for your flights to ensure that you have all of the information. Also to make sure you have a copy Right Click then choose Print and select Google Drive to save the website to your google drive. You can refer to this document often as the information you found about a flight might change tomorrow.

Sometimes the cost gets cut off when you print as a Google Document so make sure you type it into your planning worksheet before you close your tabs.

Tips for your Hotel:

Finding a hotel is very similar to the way I demonstrated finding a flight you are essentially filling out a form. You can use the same site you use for your flights since you are comfortable with it or you can use another it's up to you.

The key things I'm asking for are descriptions of the room and the hotel itself so make sure to copy and paste these paragraphs to your planning sheet or do a Print Screen instead. Press the Print Screen button on your keyboard next to F12. *note nothing will happen Then go to where you want the print screen to be and choose paste. Voila! You now have an image of your screen pasted into your document.

Tips for Restaurants:

If you are having trouble finding results use a synonym for restaurant. For example try searching for the keywords Boston Dining Menu instead of Boston Restaurants Menu.

Looking for a menu in English? Use google advanced search and specify English as the language

If you find yourself on Tripadvisor or Yelp understand that while this is a great place to narrow your choices you want to go to the actual website for the restaurant. Usually near the map for the restaurant Tripadvisor has a link for the website of the restaurant. This is where you are going to want to go to get your information.

Tips for Attractions:

Many students have trouble with the description part of the attractions. For instance, if a student is going on a zip line their description is, "I'm going on a zip line." That will not work. Describe the zip line trip, "I'm going on a zip line trip it will take 3 hours and we will go through forests and over a lake. We will go on 7 different lines as we work our way down the mountain."