Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I am worried my child is behind because of the shut down in spring what is your game plan to help?

Luckily, everyone across the country is in the same position so it is not isolated to just your child... you are not alone. We have had meetings with the 3rd grade teachers to hear what material was covered and how it was covered. The meeting gave us a great insight to the grade levels strengths and needs. Also, being in elementary school we are always building upon skills and concepts each year. We get a little bit more in depth into a skill / concept year after year so many of the items we will be covering in our 4th grade curriculum your child has had some exposure to before. Lastly, we will take extra time to reinforce any skill / concept that appears to need a bit of strengthening.

  1. What should my child know by the end of 4th grade?

attached below is a parent view of 4th grade standards written in user friendly language

4th Grade Standards Parent View

3. What can I do to help my child at home?

  • Read, Read, Read - having your child read 20 -30 minutes a day (outside of the school day) is so important for their learning inside and outside the classroom. Try all different formats of reading too! Magazines, blogs, books, audio and follow along with the text, read together.

-Ask them questions about what they read:

1 What do they think will happen next?

2. Do they agree or disagree with a characters actions?

3. How has a character changed from one part to another part of the story?

4. Does the book remind them of anything else they have read or experienced before?

5.Does the book make them wonder about or show interest in another topic or title that they could begin to read or research?

6. Talk about words they may not know the meaning of ...try to use those words in your everyday talk.

7. Have them retell what happened in the pages they read.

  • Practice math facts (+ , -, x, /)

  • Keep a relatively consistent routine and schedule for your children

4. I am worried about my child's social skills and mental well being, what can we do to keep their skills developing?

  • Our Plan

-complete a virtual daily "Check In" form & if something is going on (positive or negative) we can address it with your child ASAP (if it is mentioned on the check in)

-Daily Morning Meetings with the whole class. We participate in "Restorative Circles" and rate our mood on a scale of 1-5 & give a reason why - any information a child provides that needs to be followed up on will be. We complete a variety of "class bonding" activities through these meets as well.

-We are being as creative as possible to get our students interacting throughout their school day!

-We can develop time in our schedules for virtual social groups or virtual lunches if there is a need

  • Additional Information

Check out this site for more ideas to support your child's social needs through this time: