Self-Reported Grades

Self-reported grades is a practice by which students assess the quality of their own work or their level of mastery over a given objective. With an effect size of 1.33, it can provide up to three years of additional growth in learning for every year. That’s a huge impact! The validity of self-grading is often assessed by comparing a student’s self-reported grade with the grade provided by a teacher. Below are a few examples of how you can allow students to track their own progress.

Using self-reported grades is a win-win in the classroom. Not only does it alleviate student anxiety, but it also makes students feel that they have control over their own evaluation and learning. In addition, when students grade their own work, they can see exactly where they are making mistakes. They obtain this feedback far sooner than if the teacher collects the work, grades it, and then returns it later. There’s no reason not to try it in your classroom.

Effect Size = 1.33

(TCEA blog,

Digital Tools to Support Self-Reported Grades

Canvas Rubric

Teachers can attach rubrics to assignments, graded discussions and quizzes in Canvas. Teachers can begin making a rubric inside their Canvas course either by using the Rubrics link in the course navigation bar or by adding them directly to an assignment or graded discussion. Either way they will be saved in your course and can be reused on future assignments.

Teachers can add their own criteria and set point values. Additionally, they can attach Outcomes to rubrics and track student mastery of a standard over time in the Learning Mastery Gradebook.

Watch this short video to learn more about Canvas Rubrics.

Additional instructions on how to use Canvas Rubrics can be found here.


Bulb portfolios are a student driven portfolio building program that Frisco ISD had adopted to support the Profile of a Future-Ready Learner. Portfolios can support our students as they document their learning process, set goals, reflect upon their struggles and success, and apply their learning to their passions and real-world applications.

Take a few minutes to look over the Profile of a Future-Ready Learner and determine which of the attributes can be supported through the use of Bulb portfolios.


Students can access the MasteryConnect student portal and monitor their progress towards standard mastery in all of their courses. Teachers have the ability to set their privacy standards in the tracker to determine which details a student can see about a particular assessment.

This video will show you how to adjust your privacy settings in your tracker and give an overview of what information a student can see in their portal.

You can also reference this click sheet on Student Portal Overview for more information.