Meet Information

Trojan Relays information

First Departure Report to CHS 6:20am All Field Events and 3200m run

Second Departure Report to CHS 9:45am for all remaining events


Frisco Invite Feb 22

Meet Schedule

McKinney ISD Relays event schedule

Spectator admission fee of $5 (adults) and $3 (students) each day . This is a 2 day meet

Event location

Prosper Relays - March 6th

New schedule

10:00am - all 3200m races; PV JV boys, V boys, JV Girls V girls and remaining boys field events

11:00am - Girls running events

1 hour wait after last girl's 4X400 Relay

Girls field events and boys running events begin

Athletes will need to bring their own lunch & dinner.

There is an admission fee to the event. Parents, if you are attending the field events you are allowed to bring folding chairs since they will not have bleachers

Frisco Invitational

Meet schedule

JV District at Memorial Stadium - Frisco, TX

Meet schedule

CFB Relays

Meet schedule