God's Plan is Perfect


1. Definition

   Since God is perfect, it logically follows that His plan is perfect. A perfect plan can only originate from a perfect God.

2. Documentation

Romans 12:2

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and PERFECT

3. Meditation

   We are in the plan of God. We are imperfect, but God’s plan is perfect. We often fail, but God’s plan never fails.

  We are reminded by this characteristic that we are in the plan of God but that the plan of God does not depend on us. Whether we fail or succeed, God’s plan moves along its appointed course.

   The plan of God does not depend on us; rather, it depends on who and what God is and does! The plan of God is not based upon what we think or do but on what God thinks and does. God leans on no one, but we are to lean on Him. God needs no one, but we need Him. A plan is no stronger than its weakest link. If the plan of God, at any point, depends on us, it will fail.

   No one should ever assume that they are the hub that makes the wheel move. No one should ever assume they are irreplaceable or indispensable.

  All arrogance and pride should be absent from the hearts and minds of believers:

a.  Pride of the believer who rejects eternal security because he thinks that his sins are greater than the plan of God.

b.  Pride of the believer who succumbs to the pressures of adversity. He thinks his suffering is greater than the provision and promises of God.

c. Pride of false spirituality whereby the believer thinks their good works, abilities, taboo keeping, personality changes, and experiences are greater than the plan of God.

4.  The Drill: Discipline yourself to Godliness

Trouble has a way of unsettling us. Life, at times, looks out of control. Sometimes, I find

myself confused and perplexed. If so, take these actions:

1st: By Claiming the promises

I turn to God. I bring Him into the picture by claiming the promise in Romans 8:28. From that promise, I recognize that God is at work. God has a plan, and all this confusion in my life and circumstances relates to that plan.

2nd: By Concentrating on the rationale

God is the only One who has a perfect plan.

His love is perfect.  Love never fails, 1 Corinthians 13:8.