Administrator resources


Looking for professional development topics that align with your campus/district digital learning goals? Looking for experienced PD providers who are experts in purposeful technology integration using both Google and Microsoft platforms? Wanting to do something a little different for a PLC or staff development day? We've got you covered! 

Click the dropdown to see how to get started!

Mississippi district and/or campus administrators can request a webinar from our friEd PD Catalog by filling out the PD Interest Form. 

*Only Mississippi district or campus administrators should complete the PD Interest form.

MICROSOFT ORIENTATION for the virtual classroom

Support a successful transition back to school with free resources, training, and tools in the Microsoft Education Orientation Kit, with everything you need to plan for back-to-school from device selection to hybrid orientations for your entire school or department.  Click HERE to learn more.

Planning for the Virtual Classroom

Learning Forward Professional Development Planning Resources

Click HERE to learn more.


Administrator Resources

School administrators can use the following resources to ensure their success with Canvas as they wrap up their current school year and look towards the following year. CLICK THE DROPDOWN TO VIEW THESE USEFUL RESOURCES.

Adding Parents to Canvas 

Below you’ll find information on the different ways you can add parents to Canvas. CLICK THE DROPDOWN TO VIEW THESE USEFUL RESOURCES.

The following webinar and webinar handout also cover these topics:

There are two general options for granting parent access to Canvas.  The resources below will allow you to learn about these and determine which solution best meets your unique needs.  If you ever want to pull a list of observers and the students they are observing, the Parent Observer List Video will walk you through how to do this.

Option 1: Parent self-registration

Please Note: If you use this method, you’ll want to ensure that in your Authentication settings you have Canvas Self Registration set to Observer Accounts Only.  If this is marked as Disabled, then observer codes will not be able to be generated.

Option 2: Admin-provisioned parent access

How Parents Can Access Canvas 

Parents can log into Canvas through the browser or the Canvas Parent App.  Each one will offer a different experience so we recommend showing your parents how to log into one or the other. The Canvas Parent App vs. The Observer Role comparison chart will help you determine which one you think will be best for your institute. 

Please Note: If your institute uses authentication with your students, then if your parents use the Parent App you’ll want to contact your CSM team to create app login for the Parent App that doesn’t require authentication.  If your parents will use the Canvas browser, then you will want to consider creating a Discovery Page for your institute so your parents can access Canvas through the web browser. The Why a discovery page? Also, what is a discovery page? guide from the Canvas Community will outline what a discovery page is in more detail and how to set it up.

Attendance and Participation Tracking 

Below you will find tools and information for attendance and participation tracking. CLICK THE DROPDOWN TO VIEW THESE USEFUL RESOURCES.

Roll Call Attendance Tool 

The tool native to Canvas is the Roll Call Attendance tool, which can be enabled in your instance. Here a few guides to get started using it:

Admin Level Reporting

The User Course Access Log is the most comprehensive report and has activity fields by course, role, and date/time. To get started with pulling account level reports, check out this guide: How do I view reports for an account?

Course Level Reporting

One option is to have teachers assign a daily attendance/participation quiz/survey or activity that students have to respond to for attendance. Some also make daily lessons so they can look at access data in their class daily to see which students actively participated.

Having students progress through Module Requirements is another good way to ensure they are meeting the requirement for class participation each day or week. 

Here is a guide on how to view a daily access report for the class (you or the instructor would have to run and check end of each day): Obtaining and using Access Report data for an entire course

If you have New Analytics enabled in your account/course, this feature can be helpful to see ‘weekly’ participation in activities: What are Analytics?

schoology Administrator Resources

School administrators can use the following resources to ensure their success with Schoology as they wrap up their current school year and look towards the following year. 

Click the dropdown to see how to get started!

friEdTechnology is an official MDE professional development partner.