Welcome to 8th grade ELA

Welcome to 8th grade English Language Arts. My name is Mrs. Buckley! I teach 8th grade English Language Arts on Team Cincinnati!

My email is:  buckleyk@fremontschools.net

Course Overview

Welcome to 8th grade English Language Arts.  We will be working on the Ohio State Standards for eighth grade.  What that means is that we will do a great deal of reading. The materials we read will be both fiction and non fiction materials. In this course students will be  participating in discussions and answering comprehension questions over what was read. 

We will also work on different forms of writing.  We will be writing personal narratives, argumentative essays, and writing response journals.  In this course you will become a better reader and writer.  

In this class we also do creative projects such as posters to relay information, complete  projects through the Google formats such as Google Slides and Google Sheets.   We will also be working on different approaches to learn how to write using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  

Things to do and return to school:

School Supplies

Team Supplies:

1- pencil pouch

2- 24 packs of pencils (mechanical or wooden)

2- 12 pack of colored pencils

2- highlighters

2-1 subject notebooks

4-glue sticks


earbuds to plug into your Chromebook

Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS Calculator

4 boxes of tissues (given to your Giant Time teacher)

1 (1 inch) binder 

5 tab dividers

8 - 2 pocket folders with prongs (plastic folders hold up best)

1 pack of 25 clear sheet protectors for ELA

2 or more black or blue pens