Google Classroom

Y11 Students

When students start school in September they will automatically be enrolled in Google Classroom. Students will be shown in their Tutor and by their class teacher how to use the system and how to access it from home.

Guardian Summaries

Want daily or weekly updates on the work your child has been asked to complete.

Your child will have an 'opt in Google Form to complete', whereby they place in your email address and give their permission for you to see a summary of their learning and progress. You will receive an email from Google inviting you to join your child’s classes. This will be sent to the primary email address we have for you.

Please accept the invite

Then you will start to receive daily or weekly emails, (your preference), which Google automatically sends.

The email will give you a summary of homework set, materials now available, discussions and extra resources for your child. It will also highlight the work that was handed in late or is yet to be completed (assuming your child remembered to ‘mark as done’ for each piece completed).

Please be aware that as a parent you will not be able to see your child’s classes via the app, you will only receive an email.

Example of the short 'Opt In' form to complete.