
@ Outwood Academy Freeston 

Y11 have now started applying for their preferred post 16 options.  Please endeavour to speak to your child regarding the choices they are making.  We are running a college application enrichment on a Tuesday after school in IT2 to support them, more information to follow soon.  This will be run by the Careers Inc advisor so students will also be able to receive guidance to support their applications. 

Parents & Carers

There are plenty of ways you can support your child to make informed decisions about their future careers.

If you’re unsure on any questions your child may have, ask for help. Our advisers are here to help and support both you and your child.

1. Understand the young people

Using the relevant data supplied by the school and feedback from key staff, we consider and prioritise the needs of each individual pupil. We don’t take a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach; we work towards understanding your school’s particular context and needs, taking your knowledge of your pupils as the starting point for our work.

2. Identify the required careers IAG interventions

Based on our understanding of the needs, we will then identify the careers IAG interventions needed to support each individual. The range of interventions offered will vary from pupil to pupil—whether simple signposting or resources for pupils with well-thought-out ideas or intensive one-to-one support for young people needing extra help.

3. Establish careers IAG support mechanisms

Once we understand the scope and range of interventions required, we’ll work with you to deliver them to the highest quality and best value. The provision of careers information, advice and guidance may be very fragmented in the near future as local authorities and schools adjust to their new responsibilities under the Education Act. We will help you to make the best of school-based provision and to access external provision through the all-age careers service and the local authority’s services for vulnerable young people. Where there are gaps, we will plug them with high-quality careers IAG provided by qualified, experienced careers advisers.

Please contact Mrs Clawson should you wish to book a careers appointment - Every Year 11 student will be asked to attend at least one appointment throughout the year.