
Go To Verb Phrases and Vocabulary Bank:

Regularly learning topic specific vocabulary and phrases is one of the most important things that you can do in MFL to improve and make progress. Having a wide vocabulary assists you with all four of the main skills, reading and translation, writing, speaking, and listening, and will also enable you to perform better in exams.

"Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things."

Flora Lewis

"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way."

Frank Smith

"A different language is a different vision of life."

Federico Fellini

Autumn term 1

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

“Go-To” verbs/ questions – Introductions

I am called = me llamo …

I’m fine = bien gracias

I have (‘am’ with age) = tengo …

What's your name? = ¿Cómo te llamas?

How old are you? = ¿Cuántos años tienes?

How do you say … ? = ¿Cómo se dice … ?

How are you? ¿Qué tal?

When’s your birthday? = ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?

“Go-To” verbs/ questions – Descriptions/ Family

I have = tengo …

I don’t have = no tengo …

he/ she has = tiene …

who is called = que se llama

who are called = que se llaman

"Go-To" verbs -Social Media/Technology

I use = uso

What I like the most/least is = lo que más/menos me gusta es

It is = es

I download … = descargo ...

I upload = subo ...

I prefer = prefiero

I send = envío

In my opinion = en mi opinión

I played = jugué

I cannot stand = no soporto/ aguanto

I am interested in … = me interesa(n)

In order to stay in contact = para mantenerse en contacto

“Go-To” verbs – Cultural Understanding of Spanish Speaking Countries

I live/we live = vivo

he/she lives = vive

it is (description) = es

it is (location) = está/ se encuentra

there is/are = hay

where you can = donde se puede

in my view … = desde mi punto de vista

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/ encuentro que

best/worst of all = lo mejor/ lo peor

what I like the least = lo que menos me gusta

when I was younger, I used to live … cuando era más joven, vivía

they should build = se debe construir

it would be = sería

there would be = habría

I/it would have = tendría

I would like = me gustaría/ quisiera

I want to = quiero + infin or noun

If I had = si tuviera …

“Go-To” verbs – Customs and Festivals in Spanish-speaking Countries/Communities

I like = me gusta

we celebrate = celebramos

it is = es

there is/ are = hay

it sounds = suena

people give = se da

… starts = … comienza

I’m looking forward to = tengo muchas ganas de +infinitive

we get = recibimos

we decorate = decoramos

lasts = … dura

we invite = invitamos

I think that = en mi opinión/ creo que

what I like the most = lo que más me gusta

what I like the least = lo que menos me gusta

people get dressed up = se disfraza

“Go-To” verbs – Technology/ Social Media/ Mobiles

I/ we watch = veo/ vemos

I use = utilizo

I download = descargo

I surf = navego

I can connect = puedo conectarme con

I text = texteo/ mensajeo

I spend (time) = paso

I spend (waste time) = pierdo mi tiempo

I stream = transmito

I send = envío

I stay in contact = quedo en contacto

there is/are = hay

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/ à mi modo de ver

what I like the most/least (about) = lo que más/ menos me gusta de + infin or noun, es que …

I would prefer to + infin = preferiría

“Go-To” verbs – Me, My Family and Friends

I am called = me llamo

he/she is called = se llama

I am = soy

he/she/it is = es

I have = tengo

he/she has = tiene

there is/are = hay

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/creo que

what I like the most/least about = lo que más/ menos me gusta

I like … = me gusta

I get on well/badly with = me llevo bien/ mal con

… makes me mad = … me fastidia

we argue when = discutamos cuando

before I/he/she used to be … = antes era

when I am older = cuando sea mayor

I have always wanted = siempre he querido + infin

I would like to … = me gustaría/ quisiera + infin or noun

I want to … = quiero + infin or noun

“Go-To” verbs – Home, Town, Neighborhood and Region

I live/we live = vivo

he/she lives = vive

it is (description) = es

it is (location) = está/ se encuentra

there is/are = hay

where you can = donde se puede

in my view … = desde mi punto de vista

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/ encuentro que

best/worst of all = lo mejor/ lo peor

what I like the least = lo que menos me gusta

when I was younger, I used to live … cuando era más joven, vivía

they should build = se debe construir

it would be = sería

there would be = habría

I/it would have = tendría

I would like = me gustaría/ quisiera

I want to = quiero + infin or noun

If I had = si tuviera …

Autumn term 2

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

What are you like? = ¿Cómo eres?

What is he/ she like? = ¿Cómo es?

I am = soy …

I’m not = no soy …

he/ she is = es …

it is = es …

it isn’t = no es …

“Go-To” verb phrases – holidays and travel

to travel = viajar

to stay = alojarse

to go = ir

It is warm/ cold/ windy/ sunny = hace calor/ frío/ viento/ sol

Me quedo en - I stay in

Nos alojamos en - we stay in

hay - there is/are

un albergue juvenil - a youth hostel

una casa alquilada - a rented house

un apartamento - an apartment

con piscina - with a pool

son un salón de juegos - with a games room

donde se puede - where you can

tomar el sol - sunbathe

nadar - to swim

visitar los monumentos - to visit the monuments

jugar al minigolf - to play mini-golf

me lo paso bien - I enjoy myself

Past Tense

Me quedé en - I stayed in

visité - I visited

viajé - I travelled

era - it was

fui a - I went to

nadé - I swam

me lo pasé bien - I had a good time

Future Tense

Me quedaré en - I will stay in

voy a visitar - I'm going to visit

será - it will be

voy a nadar - I'm going to swim

“Go-To” verbs – Education Post-16/ Jobs/ Career Choices and Ambitions

If I could, I would choose + infinitive = si pudiera, elegiría + infinitive

when I was younger, I wanted to be ... = cuando era más joven, quise ser …

If I/ it were possible … = si fuera posible ...

I would like to … = me gustaría/ quisiera + infinitive

After my A-levels I will go to … = después de mis estudios de bachillerato, iré a ...

*Before uni, I will take a year off to … = antes de ir a la universidad, tendré un año sabático para ...

firstly I’m planning to = primero, planeo + infin

after that I want to = y después, quiero + infin

I’m looking for a position as = busco un empleo/trabajo como

it would be great/ amazing to … = sería genial/ asombroso + infin

I’m still not sure what I want to do in the future = todavía no estoy seguro(a) de que quiero hacer en el futuro

“Go-To“ verbs – Travel and Tourism

I prefer = prefiero

I like/ don't like = me gusta(n)/no me gusta(n)

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/creo que

it is = es

There is/ are = hay

what I like the most = lo que más me gusta

what I like the least = lo que menos me gusta

I went/ travelled = fui/viajé

we went/ travelled = fuimos/viajamos

it had = tenia

I/we stayed = me alojé/nos alojamos

there was/were = había

it was = era

I/we visited = visité/ visitamos

I played = jugué

I would like = me gustaría/ quisiera

it would be = seria

if I were = si fuera

I spend = paso

I would have preferred = hubiera preferido

“Go-To” verbs – My Studies/ Life at School/ College

… is called = … se llama

I learn/ study = aprendo/ estudio

I have = tengo

lessons start/ finish at … = las clases comienzan/terminan a las

I like … = me gusta ...

my school offers = mi colegio ofrece

I chose … = elegí ...

I can’t stand … = no aguanto ...

what I like the most = lo que más me gusta

I go to = voy a/ asisto a

there is/ there isn’t = hay/ no hay

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/creo que

where you can +infinitive = donde se puede + infin

It used to be = era

There used to be = había

I would change = cambiaría

It would have = tendría

I am in favour of/ against = estoy por/contra

You are not allowed to = no se permite + infin

I would have preferred to have chosen = hubiera preferido elegido

If I could, I would choose + infinitive = si pudiera, elegiría + infin

If I could = si pudiera

“Go-To” verbs – Technology/ Social Media/ Mobiles

I/ we watch = veo/ vemos

I use = utilizo

I download = descargo

I surf = navego

I can connect = puedo conectarme con

I text = texteo/ mensajeo

I spend (time) = paso

I spend (waste time) = pierdo mi tiempo

I stream = transmito

I send = envío

I stay in contact = quedo en contacto

there is/are = hay

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/ à mi modo de ver

what I like the most/least (about) = lo que más/ menos me gusta de + infin or noun, es que …

I would prefer to + infin = preferiría

Spring term 1

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

“Go-To” verbs/ questions – School

my school is called = mi colegio se llama

there is/ are = hay (un/una/unos/unas)

I like/ I hate = me gusta/ odio

I prefer = prefiero

more/ less = más/ menos

I eat/ I drink = como/ bebo

because = porque/ ya que

Do you like your school? = ¿Te gusta tu colegio?

Which subject do you prefer? = ¿Cuál asignatura prefieres?

where you can = donde se puede

I think that = creo que

I don’t go (to the canteen/ to the playground) = no voy (a la cafetería/ al patio)

I can’t stand = no soporto

the subject that I like most is = la asignatura que más me gusta es

“Go-To” verb phrases – house and home

it is (location) = está

at my house = en mi casa

since I was born = desde que nací

we moved house = nos mudamos

that I love = que me encanta

that I use for = que uso para

which is/are = que es/son

*The best/ worst thing is = lo mejor/lo peor es…

where we watch ... = donde vemos …

where I do my hwk = donde hago mis deberes

where my brother/sister plays= donde mi hermano(a) juega

After doing that = después de hacer eso

I would rather have = preferiría tener

It would be = sería

If I could = si pudiera

I would have = tendría

We would have = tendríamos

If I were rich = si fuera rico/a

“Go-To” verbs – Global Issues - The Environment/ Poverty/ Homelessness

there are too many … = hay tantos(as)/ demasiados(as)

… is/ are important to me = … me importa(n) mucho

we should = deberíamos

I could = podría

I‘m worried about = me preocupo

I’m convinced that = estoy convencido que

due to = debido a

*it drives me crazy = me pone como loco(a)

*whatever the cost = cuesta lo que cuesta

I/ it should = debería + infin**

*what worries me the most is = lo que más me preocupo es

*it’s turned into = se convierte en

it can be = puede ser

I try to = intento + infin

I helped = ayudé

“Go-To” verbs – Education Post-16/ Jobs/ Career Choices and Ambitions

If I could, I would choose + infinitive = si pudiera, elegiría + infinitive

when I was younger, I wanted to be ... = cuando era más joven, quise ser …

If I/ it were possible … = si fuera posible ...

I would like to … = me gustaría/ quisiera + infinitive

After my A-levels I will go to … = después de mis estudios de bachillerato, iré a ...

*Before uni, I will take a year off to … = antes de ir a la universidad, tendré un año sabático para ...

firstly I’m planning to = primero, planeo + infin

after that I want to = y después, quiero + infin

I’m looking for a position as = busco un empleo/trabajo como

it would be great/ amazing to … = sería genial/ asombroso + infin

I’m still not sure what I want to do in the future = todavía no estoy seguro(a) de que quiero hacer en el futuro

“Go-To” verbs – Social Issues (Healthy/ Unhealthy Living)

If I/ it were … = si fuera ...

I eat = como

I drink = bebo

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/creo que

it is = es

they are = son

I like/ don’t like = me gusta(n)/no me gusta(n)

I prefer = prefiero

the thing I like about = lo que me gusta de

the thing I hate about = lo que no me gusta de

it was = era

it will be = será

what I hate is ... = lo que no me gusta es ...

I/ you should + infin = debería + infin

to keep (myself) fit = para quedarme en forma

I try to = intento + infin

I have never smoked = he fumado nunca

I am healthy/ fit = estoy sano(a)/ en forma

I will always avoid … = siempre evitaré

I make sure that … = aseguro que ...

they say that = se dice que

“Go-To” verbs – Education Post-16/ Jobs/ Career Choices and Ambitions

If I could, I would choose + infinitive = si pudiera, elegiría + infinitive

when I was younger, I wanted to be ... = cuando era más joven, quise ser …

If I/ it were possible … = si fuera posible ...

I would like to … = me gustaría/ quisiera + infinitive

After my A-levels I will go to … = después de mis estudios de bachillerato, iré a ...

*Before uni, I will take a year off to … = antes de ir a la universidad, tendré un año sabático para ...

firstly I’m planning to = primero, planeo + infin

after that I want to = y después, quiero + infin

I’m looking for a position as = busco un empleo/trabajo como

it would be great/ amazing to … = sería genial/ asombroso + infin

I’m still not sure what I want to do in the future = todavía no estoy seguro(a) de que quiero hacer en el futuro

Spring term 2

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

“Go-To” verbs/ questions – Leisure

What do you like to do in your free time? = ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?

what I like the most is = lo que más me gusta es + infinitive

my passion is = mi pasión es + infinitive

to go to the cinema/ into town = ir al cine/ en la ciudad

to watch a film/ TV = ver una película/ la tele

to play volleyball/ rugby/ on my X-Box = jugar al voleibol/ al rugby/ con mi X-Box

I am going to = voy a

he/she is going to = va a

we are going to = vamos a

I would like = me gustaría

What are you going to do? = ¿Qué vas a hacer?

What do you think about … ? = ¿Qué piensas de … ?

it is going to be = va a ser

“Go-To” verbs – Social Issues (Healthy/ Unhealthy Living)

If I/ it were … = si fuera ...

I eat = como

I drink = bebo

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/creo que

it is = es

they are = son

I like/ don’t like = me gusta(n)/no me gusta(n)

I prefer = prefiero

the thing I like about = lo que me gusta de

the thing I hate about = lo que no me gusta de

it was = era

it will be = será

what I hate is ... = lo que no me gusta es ...

I/ you should + infin = debería + infin

to keep (myself) fit = para quedarme en forma

I try to = intento + infin

I have never smoked = he fumado nunca

I am healthy/ fit = estoy sano(a)/ en forma

I will always avoid … = siempre evitaré

I make sure that … = aseguro que ...

they say that = se dice que

“Go-To” verbs – Education Post-16/ Jobs/ Career Choices and Ambitions

If I could, I would choose + infinitive = si pudiera, elegiría + infinitive

when I was younger, I wanted to be ... = cuando era más joven, quise ser …

If I/ it were possible … = si fuera posible ...

I would like to … = me gustaría/ quisiera + infinitive

After my A-levels I will go to … = después de mis estudios de bachillerato, iré a ...

*Before uni, I will take a year off to … = antes de ir a la universidad, tendré un año sabático para ...

firstly I’m planning to = primero, planeo + infin

after that I want to = y después, quiero + infin

I’m looking for a position as = busco un empleo/trabajo como

it would be great/ amazing to … = sería genial/ asombroso + infin

I’m still not sure what I want to do in the future = todavía no estoy seguro(a) de que quiero hacer en el futuro

“Go-To” verbs – Free time activities (Music, Cinema and TV, Sport and Food and Eating Out)

I prefer = prefiero

I like = me gusta

I’m interested in = tengo interés en

I can’t stand = no suporto

I think that = pienso que/creo que

I listen to = escucho

it is = es

they are = son

what I like the most = lo que más me gusta

what I like the least = lo que menos me gusta we went = fuimos

I watched =

It was = era

I played = jugué

I eat = como

I would like = me gustaría/ quisiera + infinitive or noun

I would have preferred to have = hubiera preferido tenido

I have = tengo

I use = utilizo

“Go-To” verbs – Global Issues - The Environment/ Poverty/ Homelessness

there are too many … = hay tantos(as)/ demasiados(as)

… is/ are important to me = … me importa(n) mucho

we should = deberíamos

I could = podría

I‘m worried about = me preocupo

I’m convinced that = estoy convencido que

due to = debido a

*it drives me crazy = me pone como loco(a)

*whatever the cost = cuesta lo que cuesta

I/ it should = debería + infin**

*what worries me the most is = lo que más me preocupo es

*it’s turned into = se convierte en

it can be = puede ser

I try to = intento + infin

I helped = ayudé

Summer term 1

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Leisure What would you like to do at the weekend?

I would like = me gustaría

I would have = tendría

it would be = sería

if it were possible = si fuera posible

when I am older, I will be ... = cuando sea mayor, seré (médico(a)/dentista/pilota)

I would like = me gustaría + infinitive

“Go-To” verbs/ questions – Food

I (like/ don’t like to) eat ... = (no) me gusta comer…

I (like/ don’t like to) drink ... = (no) me gusta beber...

What do you eat normally? = ¿Qué comes normalmente?

I eat/ drink ... = como/ bebo ...

What I like most to eat is … = lo que más me gusta es …

What I like most to drink is … = lo que menos me gusta es …

I cannot stand … = no soporto …

I would like (to try) … = me gustaría (probar) ...

Do you like Spanish food? = ¿Te gusta la comida Española?

What did you eat yesterday? = ¿Qué comiste ayer?

  • I ate = comí

  • I drank = bebí

“Go-To” verbs – Free time activities (Music, Cinema and TV, Sport and Food and Eating Out)

I prefer = prefiero

I like = me gusta

I’m interested in = tengo interés en

I can’t stand = no suporto

I think that = pienso que/creo que

I listen to = escucho

it is = es

they are = son

what I like the most = lo que más me gusta

what I like the least = lo que menos me gusta we went = fuimos

I watched =

It was = era

I played = jugué

I eat = como

I would like = me gustaría/ quisiera + infinitive or noun

I would have preferred to have = hubiera preferido tenido

I have = tengo

I use = utilizo

“Go-To” verbs – Me, My Family and Friends

I am called = me llamo

he/she is called = se llama

I am = soy

he/she/it is = es

I have = tengo

he/she has = tiene

there is/are = hay

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/creo que

what I like the most/least about = lo que más/ menos me gusta

I like … = me gusta

I get on well/badly with = me llevo bien/ mal con

… makes me mad = … me fastidia

we argue when = discutamos cuando

before I/he/she used to be … = antes era

when I am older = cuando sea mayor

I have always wanted = siempre he querido + infin

I would like to … = me gustaría/ quisiera + infin or noun

I want to … = quiero + infin or noun

“Go-To” verbs – Technology/ Social Media/ Mobiles

I/ we watch = veo/ vemos

I use = utilizo

I download = descargo

I surf = navego

I can connect = puedo conectarme con

I text = texteo/ mensajeo

I spend (time) = paso

I spend (waste time) = pierdo mi tiempo

I stream = transmito

I send = envío

I stay in contact = quedo en contacto

there is/are = hay

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/ à mi modo de ver

what I like the most/least (about) = lo que más/ menos me gusta de + infin or noun, es que …

I would prefer to + infin = preferiría

“Go-To” verbs – Free time activities (Music, Cinema and TV, Sport and Food and Eating Out)

I prefer = prefiero

I like = me gusta

I’m interested in = tengo interés en

I can’t stand = no suporto

I think that = pienso que/creo que

I listen to = escucho

it is = es

they are = son

what I like the most = lo que más me gusta

what I like the least = lo que menos me gusta we went = fuimos

I watched =

It was = era

I played = jugué

I eat = como

I would like = me gustaría/ quisiera + infinitive or noun

I would have preferred to have = hubiera preferido tenido

I have = tengo

I use = utilizo

“Go-To” verbs – Home, Town, Neighborhood and Region

I live/we live = vivo

he/she lives = vive

it is (description) = es

it is (location) = está/ se encuentra

there is/are = hay

where you can = donde se puede

in my view … = desde mi punto de vista

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/ encuentro que

best/worst of all = lo mejor/ lo peor

what I like the least = lo que menos me gusta

when I was younger, I used to live … cuando era más joven, vivía

they should build = se debe construir

it would be = sería

there would be = habría

I/it would have = tendría

I would like = me gustaría/ quisiera

I want to = quiero + infin or noun

If I had = si tuviera …

“Go-To” verbs – Customs and Festivals in Spanish-speaking Countries/Communities

I like = me gusta

we celebrate = celebramos

it is = es

there is/ are = hay

it sounds = suena

people give = se da

… starts = … comienza

I’m looking forward to = tengo muchas ganas de +infinitive

we get = recibimos

we decorate = decoramos

lasts = … dura

we invite = invitamos

I think that = en mi opinión/ creo que

what I like the most = lo que más me gusta

what I like the least = lo que menos me gusta

people get dressed up = se disfraza

Summer term 2

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

“Go-To” verbs/ questions – Food (Cultural Module)

I (like/ don’t like to) eat ... = (no) me gusta comer…

I (like/ don’t like to) drink ... = (no) me gusta beber...

What do you eat normally? = ¿Qué comes normalmente?

I eat/ drink ... = como/ bebo ...

What I like most to eat is … = lo que más me gusta es …

What I like most to drink is … = lo que menos me gusta es …

I cannot stand … = no soporto …

I would like (to try) … = me gustaría (probar) ...

Do you like Spanish food? = ¿Te gusta la comida Española?

What did you eat yesterday? = ¿Qué comiste ayer?

  • I ate = comí

  • I drank = bebí

El Día de los Muertos (Cultural Module)

There is/ are = hay

S/he wears = lleva

S/he has = tiene

It is = es

S/he / it is (location) = está

A woman = una mujer

A man = un hombre

Flowers = flores

Fruta = fruit

In Mexico = en Méjico

A costume = un disfraz

A skeleton = un esqueleto

La Tomatina (Cultural Module)

A festival = una fiesta

Holidays = las vacaciones

Tomato throwing festival = La Tomatina

The fight = la batalla

It is = es

There are = hay

You should = deberías

To wear glasses/ clothes = llevar gafas/ ropa

Last year = El año pasado

I went = fui

It was = era

It was warm/ cold/ windy/ sunny = hizo calor/ frío/ viento/ sol

  • "Go-To" verbsThe Fixer

  • I think that = pienso que

  • It is = es

  • It will be + adjective = será

  • It is + weather = hace

  • I am + location = estoy en (Madrid/España)

  • I'm going to go = voy a ir

  • I'm going to stay = voy a quedarme

  • I'm going to try = voy a probar

  • I'm going to do = voy a hacer

  • To the right = a la derecha

  • To the left = a la izquierda

  • Straight on = sigue todo recto

“Go-To” verbs – Films

veo - I watch

Miro - I watch

una película de..... - a film about

terror - horror

acción - action

ciencia ficción - sci-fi

guerra - war

suspense - suspense

una película romántica - romance film

una comedia - a comedy

Lo que más me gusta - what I like the most

Prefiero - I prefer

los efectos especiales - special effects

los efectos de sonido - sound effects

había - there was

hay - there was

el guión - script

el actor - the actor

la actriz - the actress

los extras - the extras

el director - director

el escenario - stage

el rodaje - the shooting

“Go-To” verbs – My Studies/ Life at School/ College

… is called = … se llama

I learn/ study = aprendo/ estudio

I have = tengo

lessons start/ finish at … = las clases comienzan/terminan a las

I like … = me gusta ...

my school offers = mi colegio ofrece

I chose … = elegí ...

I can’t stand … = no aguanto ...

what I like the most = lo que más me gusta

I go to = voy a/ asisto a

there is/ there isn’t = hay/ no hay

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/creo que

where you can +infinitive = donde se puede + infin

It used to be = era

There used to be = había

I would change = cambiaría

It would have = tendría

I am in favour of/ against = estoy por/contra

You are not allowed to = no se permite + infin

I would have preferred to have chosen = hubiera preferido elegido

If I could, I would choose + infinitive = si pudiera, elegiría + infin

If I could = si pudiera

“Go-To” verbs – Social Issues (Healthy/ Unhealthy Living)

If I/ it were … = si fuera ...

I eat = como

I drink = bebo

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/creo que

it is = es

they are = son

I like/ don’t like = me gusta(n)/no me gusta(n)

I prefer = prefiero

the thing I like about = lo que me gusta de

the thing I hate about = lo que no me gusta de

it was = era

it will be = será

what I hate is ... = lo que no me gusta es ...

I/ you should + infin = debería + infin

to keep (myself) fit = para quedarme en forma

I try to = intento + infin

I have never smoked = he fumado nunca

I am healthy/ fit = estoy sano(a)/ en forma

I will always avoid … = siempre evitaré

I make sure that … = aseguro que ...

they say that = se dice que

“Go-To” verbs – Global Issues - The Environment/ Poverty/ Homelessness

there are too many … = hay tantos(as)/ demasiados(as)

… is/ are important to me = … me importa(n) mucho

we should = deberíamos

I could = podría

I‘m worried about = me preocupo

I’m convinced that = estoy convencido que

due to = debido a

*it drives me crazy = me pone como loco(a)

*whatever the cost = cuesta lo que cuesta

I/ it should = debería + infin**

*what worries me the most is = lo que más me preocupo es

*it’s turned into = se convierte en

it can be = puede ser

I try to = intento + infin

I helped = ayudé

“Go-To” verbs – Customs and Festivals in Spanish-speaking Countries/Communities

I like = me gusta

we celebrate = celebramos

it is = es

there is/ are = hay

it sounds = suena

people give = se da

… starts = … comienza

I’m looking forward to = tengo muchas ganas de +infinitive

we get = recibimos

we decorate = decoramos

lasts = … dura

we invite = invitamos

I think that = en mi opinión/ creo que

what I like the most = lo que más me gusta

what I like the least = lo que menos me gusta

people get dressed up = se disfraza

“Go-To“ verbs – Travel and Tourism

I prefer = prefiero

I like/ don't like = me gusta(n)/no me gusta(n)

I think that (2 ways) = pienso que/creo que

it is = es

There is/ are = hay

what I like the most = lo que más me gusta

what I like the least = lo que menos me gusta

I went/ travelled = fui/viajé

we went/ travelled = fuimos/viajamos

it had = tenia

I/we stayed = me alojé/nos alojamos

there was/were = había

it was = era

I/we visited = visité/ visitamos

I played = jugué

I would like = me gustaría/ quisiera

it would be = seria

if I were = si fuera

I spend = paso

I would have preferred = hubiera preferido