Life and Personal Development

Reading in Life and Personal Development


Here you will find some of the most important words that we will use over the year. Each of these words will play a large part in your learning - so this is always a great place to come back and check your spellings. if you do have any questions about the words here, please always ask your Life teacher.

If you look at the slide to your left, you will also find a selection of books that will help your thinking as we progress through the years. Happy Reading!!

Autumn term 1

Year 7: Philosophy and Ethics

Year 8: Human Rights

Year 9: Harmful Drugs

Year 10: Big Issues

Year 11: Christian Beliefs

Moral Evil:

Suffering caused by humans.

Natural Evil:

Suffering caused by something that is not human - for example a flood or famine.

Human Rights:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

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Someone whom interprets the bible in a way that means everything that is written down in "literally true".


Someone whom sees many of the stories in the Bible as a metaphor (a way that helps to understand something but may not be literally true).


Becoming flesh. in this case God becomes flesh in human form as Jesus.

The Passion:

The phrase used to mean the last few days of the life of Jesus.


Being saved from sin through belief in Jesus.


Humans can be reconciled and forgiven by God.


Christians believe they can achieve this by their actions and their faith.


The return of Jesus from the tomb alive.


The death of Jesus on the cross.

Autumn term 2

Year 7: Environmental Issues

Year 8: Judaism

Year 9: Relationships

Year 10: Knives and Crime

Year 11: Living the Christian Life

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type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

Spring term 1

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

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type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

Spring term 2

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

Summer term 1

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

Summer term 2

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here

type or copy and paste you key words here