Assistant Principal


Tony Watson 

Assistant Principal and Science Teacher

Specialist in Science

What key messages about your subject area would you like to share? 

Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue? If there are more than 118 elements? Whether there are more undiscovered species of plant or animal? What would the nearest adult answer if you posed these questions? Could they be answered by the brightest minds in science? The curiosity that lies behind these questions and the drive to find the answers is what makes us human and it lies in the heart of Science. 

I love working with young people, as every minute of every lesson I feel as though I am making a difference to their lives - I love to see the expression on faces of students when their mind is blown by something truly awesome, or the moment of recognition when they suddenly "get it" and I know that I have made that happen.

I love to watch rugby union, especially when England are playing at Twickenham, I also watch a bit of rugby league and support Bradford Bulls. I like to play golf (but only when the weather is good), I also like to cook and try new restaurants.

Outwood Academy Freeston is a very warm and friendly school - you will be pushed hard to achieve your best, and we will have very high expectations of you, but we do all this because all the staff here care massively about you and your future, and we want you all to reach your full potential.