Get Involved

You Can Make a Difference!

Are you looking for opportunities to volunteer and utilize your unique skills? Through FreedomCares for Southwest Detroit (Cares4SW), volunteers are able to gain experience working with New American populations in Detroit to reduce health disparities and promote vaccine accessibility and healthcare access.

Please select "Cares4SW Health Disparities Initiative" when signing up

How Organizations and Business Owners Can Participate

There are various ways that your organization or business can get involved! 

Volunteer Role Descriptions


High proficiency in French, Spanish, Portuguese, or other languages to interpret during health education sessions, vaccine and testing clinics, and other Cares4SW community events. 

Event Crew

Help set up or tear down the venue of a health education session or clinic. Welcome and check-in guests as they arrive. Provide childcare during an event.

Administrative Volunteer

Familiarity with Google software such as Google Docs, Sheets and Slides. Help with administrative tasks before or after an event, including but not limited to creating marketing materials, advertising the event to local organizations and agencies, researching information for handouts, and data input after an event.