Welcome to 

Franklin County Public School's 


Kindergarten Registration Website 

March 13, 2024

Dear Parents and/or Guardians,

Welcome to Franklin County Public Schools as we embark upon your child's educational journey together.  A child who reaches his or her fifth birthday after September 30, but before December 31, of the upcoming school year shall be eligible for enrollment in kindergarten if enrollment would benefit the child.  For such children, the principal has discretion to determine eligibility for kindergarten based on scores on approved readiness tests, parent interview, child interview, and/or observation of the child.  No guarantee for enrollment is made, just because the child’s birthday falls between September 30 and December 31.  The child must be eligible for school enrollment as specified in Policy JEC: School Admission and Regulation JEC-R: School Admission.    

Kindergarten Screening Day will take place on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at your child's elementary school.  Please contact your child's school to schedule an appointment.  Parents or guardians may contact the Franklin County Public Schools' Transportation Department to determine their school zone assignment at (540) 483-5541.

Online Kindergarten registration will be available for parents interested in getting the necessary 

paperwork completed and submitted to their child's school prior to April 16th.  Please visit our district website: frco.kl2.va.us and look for the Kindergarten registration link.  The deadline for online registration will be the close of business on Monday, April 8, 2024.  It is recommended that parents who do not have access to the internet or a printer will need to contact your child's school and schedule an appointment to pick up the necessary paperwork prior to your appointment on April 16th.    

If you wish to apply for out of zone attendance, please contact your home school. If you have any further questions, you may call your home school or call Mrs. Brenda W. Muse at the School Board Office at (540) 483-5138.


Brenda Muse

Brenda W. Muse, Ed.S

Director of Curriculum & Instruction


  Schools' Contact Information 


Boones Mill (540) 334-4000

Burnt Chimney (540) 721-2936

Callaway (540) 483-0364

Dudley (540) 721-2621

Ferrum (540) 365-7194

Glade Hill (540) 576-3010

Henry (540) 483-5676

Lee M Waid (540) 483-5736

Rocky Mount (540) 483-5040

Snow Creek (540) 483-5599

Sontag (540) 483-5667

Windy Gap (540) 719-2809