If you have any questions or concerns at all contact me at anytime at madison.dressler@franklinlocalschools.org or at 740-674-5211.


Art Information/Remote Learning

Hello family and friends, I hope you are all staying happy, healthy, and safe! Many of you may remember me as Miss Dressler, the permanent sub in art at the end of the last school year! However, shortly into this school year, I am to be married, changing my name to Mrs. Shackles. I am so excited to be back and creating art with everyone, even if we can’t be together in person. This year is going to look a bit different for our art classes. If you are starting the school year off learning from home, then the following chart below will be the lessons you will do for the first nine weeks. If you are attending school in person, I will be traveling to each classroom, and we will be working on similar lessons. However, if we are required to move too remote learning for all students, you will follow this chart also at whatever week we are on.

You can access my teacher webpage on the schools website. Where you will find lessons, examples, weekly schedules, news and more!

Please join our schools art Instagram page @electrifyingart2020 .Here you can find news, lesson examples, artist of the week/month, art facts and more!

You can also join your grades Remind page for news and information of what is happening in art, and new lessons.

Kindergarten- @dfekind

1st Grade- @dfe1art

2nd Grade- @dfe2art

3rd Grade- @dfe3art

4th Grade- @dfe4art

5th Grade- @dfe5art

I am so excited to be a part of the Duncan Falls Family, and to meet each one of you and see the amazing art everyone creates this year!

Week 1-Create an image that tells about yourself. This picture may include your self-portrait, your family, some of your favorite things like foods, colors, hobbies, animals, movies, etc. I want to know all about you and the amazing person you are!

Week 2-This week our project if focusing on our community. Throughout the pandemic, many older adults who live in nursing homes and assisted livings have been unable to see their family and loved ones, thus leaving many of them very sad and lonely. You may even know someone who lives in a nursing home or someone who works at one. Please create a piece of artwork/card using thoughtful words and beautiful images and colors that you can return to me, and I will deliver it to a nursing home that someone who lives there will receive as a gift. Take your time on this and remind these people how loved and cared about they are, just how you are so loved and cared about!

Week 3-The first element of design (the tools we use to make art) we are going to learn about is a line. Lines in art can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, straight, curved, dotted, broken, thick, thin, and more. For this project, you will take a piece of paper and split it into squared sections. In each section, you will fill the square with different types of lines, NOT repeating the same style line in any other squares. Then trace your lines with a black pen, marker, or crayon. After you have done this, go in with different colors and color in between all the lines you have made, creating an amazing design of lines!

Week 4-The second element of design we are learning about this week is shape. Shapes are two dimensional (2D)/flat. Shapes can be geometric, which means if they are folded in half, both sides would be the same (ex: square, triangle, circle). They can also be organic, which are shapes that, if folded in half, wouldn't be the same on each side ( ex: dog, cat, hand, or foot). Collect items around your house that you can trace the shape on a piece of paper. Notice if these shapes are geometric or organic. Trace multiple things on the same piece of paper; it's okay if the shapes overlap you want to fill up the entire paper. Then color in each shape with a different color, and see your shapes come to life!

Week 5-The third element of design is form. Form is when shapes become three dimensional (3D). An example would be like a square becoming a cube or a circle becoming a sphere. For this project you have 2 options the first is to look up different types of origami and create any piece of origami you choose. The second option is to use pieces of paper to cut, bend, and shape them and then glue them to a sheet of paper creating a 3D paper sculpture.

Week 6-The fourth element of design is color. Color which is also often called hue, is caused by differing qualities of light bouncing off objects and others absorbing it. I want you to use every color of the rainbow to create a picture that is abstract. Abstract is a type of art that uses shape, form, color, and line to create a work of art that may be inspired by real world items. If you have something that is inspiring to you try to abstract that to help you create your work.

Week 7-The fifth element of design is value. Value is the lightness or darkness of an image or part of an image. Create a work of art that shows both lightness and darkness in it. This can be a drawing, painting, photo, sculpture, mixed media. The choice is yours!

Week 8-The sixth element of design is texture. Texture is the feel, thickness, appearance, or stickiness of a surface. Some examples of texture are smooth, rough, silky, furry, slimy. Find some objects around the house that have texture. Now I want you to go outside and gather some different types of leaves. You are then going to use a blank sheet of paper, place the leaves under the paper then use the side of a crayon to gentle go over the leaves on top of the paper. When doing this you should then be able to see the texture of the leaf to come through on the paper.

Week 9-The eighth and final element of design is space. Space is the area around, between, or within images or parts of an image. Use of positive and negative space is something that is also important when creating. Create an image of your dream bedroom! Does your bedroom have a slide in it? A pop machine? A swimming pool? Whatever your dream room looks like create a sense of space in the room. Remember things that are up close to us look bigger, then those things that are farther away. Also, try to fill up as much space on the paper as you can.

***You will be able to find example videos on how to do these projects each week on our art Instagram! I will also provide images of samples on my teacher webpage to help you along the way. Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions or if you need any materials.