hfs_nh3_cube is a batch procedure for fitting simultaneously up to 9 velocity components of NH3(1,1) and (2,2) inversion transition lines to data from two 3-axes FITS data cubes. The fit procedure is the same as that of hfs_nh3, but it is not interactive.
<parfile>.par, parameter file with the following information:
(1,1) FITS data cube file to read. The file must have 3 non-degenerate axes, in this order: x position, y position, velocity channel.
(1,1) rms of channels without emission, minimum SNR of spectra to be fitted. Components with a peak intensity below SNR times rms are not fitted.
Number of velocity components to fit, Ncomp, between 1 and 9.
(1,1) range of channels for each component: 2×Ncomp values, with the first and last channel of the velocity range for each component. The channel ranges must be non overlapping. For the first component, 0 defaults to 1 (first), nchan (last).
(2,2) FITS data cube file to read. The file must have 3 non-degenerate axes, in this order: x position, y position, velocity channel. The geometry (first 2 axes) of the (1,1) and (2,2) images has to be the same.
(2,2) rms of channels without emission, minimum SNR of spectra to be fitted. Components with a peak intensity below SNR times rms are not fitted.
Hanning filter half-width (channels): 0= no smoothing; 1= standard 3-point Hanning smoothing, the resulting spectrum having half the initial number of channels. In general, Hanning smoothing of 2×HFHW+1 points, resulting in a final number of channels HFHW+1 times smaller.
Boxcar smoothing radius (pixels): 0= no smoothing.
(1,1) & (2,2) first X pixel, last X pixel, X increment of the subimage to be fitted. 0 defaults to 1 (first), ndim1 (last), 1 (increment).
(1,1) & (2,2) first Y pixel, last Y pixel, Y increment of the subimage to be fitted. 0 defaults to 1 (first), ndim2 (last), 1 (increment).
Iteration parameters: Nksample, Final_Range.
The file can be given as an argument to hfs_nh3_cube:
$ hfs_nh3_cube <parfile>.par
Example of input parameter file to hfs_nh3_cube:
"l1287_11_Kv.fits" ! (1,1) input NH3(1,1) data cube file0.30 4.0 ! (1,1) rms, minimum SNR to analyse the spectrum3 ! Number of components27 29 30 32 33 35 ! (1,1) range of channels to search for peak"l1287_22_Kv.fits" ! (2,2) input NH3(2,2) data cube file0.30 4.0 ! (2,2) rms, minimum SNR to analyse the spectrum0 ! Hanning filter half-width (chan): 0=no; >0=yes1 ! Boxcar smoothing radius (pixels): 0=no; >0=yes128 384 3 ! (1,1)&(2,2) Xpix_ini, Xpix_fin, Xpix_inc128 384 3 ! (1,1)&(2,2) Ypix_ini, Ypix_fin, Ypix_inc400 0.05 ! Nksample, Final_RangeOutput
log/<parfile>.log: log file in folder log with the details of the fitting process for all the pixels of the subimage.
<parfile>_comp#.out: an ASCII file for each velocity component, with the values of the parameters fitted for each pixel of the subimage. The first lines beginning with "!" are the header and give information about the parameter file, FITS file, velocity component number, velocity range of the component, hanning filtering, boxcar radius, and column headers. The following lines have 37 columns, with the values and errors of:
Δv, vLSR1, Aτ1m, τ1m, vLSR2, Aτ2m, τ2m,
Tex, Trot, Tk,
(f≪1)_N(1,1), (f=1)_N(1,1), (f≪1)_N(2,2), (f=1)_N(2,2), (f≪1)_N(NH3), (f=1)_N(NH3),
Rms, Xoffset, Yoffset, Xpixel, Ypixel.
The offsets are measured from the reference pixel of the FITS file, and given in arcsec. The file is used by hfs_nh3_view, and is readable by GREG.
ps/<parfile>_<xoffset>.ps: PostScript files in folder ps, with plots of the data, the components fitted, and the residual for all pixels of the subimage with Xoffset = <xoffset> arcsec.
FITS files in folder maps, with maps, for each velocity component, of the fit and derived parameters and their uncertainty. Each FITS file has two planes, the first plane with the values of the parameter, and the second plane with the uncertainties:
maps/<parfile>_dvline_comp#.fits, Δv map;
maps/<parfile>_vlsr1_comp#.fits, vLSR1 map;
maps/<parfile>_atau1m_comp#.fits, Aτ1m map;
maps/<parfile>_taum1_comp#.fits, τ1m map;
maps/<parfile>_vlsr2_comp#.fits, vLSR2 map;
maps/<parfile>_atau2m_comp#.fits, Aτ2m map;
maps/<parfile>_taum2_comp#.fits, τ2m map;
maps/<parfile>_Tex_comp#.fits, Tex map (lower limit, for f = 1);
maps/<parfile>_f0N11_comp#.fits, fN(1,1) map (lower limit, for f ≪ 1);
maps/<parfile>_f0N22_comp#.fits, fN(2,2) map (lower limit, for f ≪ 1);
maps/<parfile>_f0Nnh3_comp#.fits, fN(NH3) map (lower limit, for f ≪ 1);
maps/<parfile>_f1N11_comp#.fits, fN(1,1) map (upper limit, for f = 1);
maps/<parfile>_f1N22_comp#.fits, fN(2,2) map (upper limit, for f = 1);
maps/<parfile>_f1Nnh3_comp#.fits, fN(NH3) map (upper limit, for f = 1);
maps/<parfile>_Trot_comp#.fits, Trot map;
maps/<parfile>_Tk_comp#.fits, Tk map.
maps/<parfile>_rmsfit.fits, FITS file with the rms fit residual for every pixel.