Seckman Middle School Counselors
Welcome SMS!
This is our Counselor Page to help connect with students and the community.
Your Counselors: (Meet your Counselors)
Mrs. Heather Burris (Students with the last name beginning with A - Laf)
Mrs. Jackie Arnold (Students with the last name beginning with Lag - Z)
What you will find on this site:
Resources in your area (Mental Health Resources)
Reporting forms for students and parents (Check in Forms)
Ways to take care of your mental health (Mental Health Resources)
Helpline/Hotline information (Mental Health Resources)
Self-Care information (Self Care)
Please take your time to navigate this page and utilize all resources. We know it is a tough time for everyone and we all need to make sure we are taking care of our mental health. Do not hesitate to reach out to your Seckman Middle School counselors.
If you need to reach one of us at school please call the main office at 636-296-5707
How to talk to your child about the loss of a loved one
What NOT to say to someone grieving
5 Stages of Grief -
When to seek Professional Help -
ADHD Life in the Pandemic: Next Steps
Read: “We Live in the Upside Down Now. Grace Is Pivotal Here.”
Understand: 10 Things I Wish The World Knew About ADHD
Learn: ADHD Life Rules: 15 Tips to Stress Less and Live Better
Anxiety and Coping with the Coronavirus
Screen Time for Kids Recommendations: How Much is Too Much?
How to get your Kids to Listen: 5 Tricks to Try.