
Day One Activities

AMI K Day 1

Additional Hands On/Digital Activities

Idea 1: Put a thin layer of sand, flour, corn meal, salt or whatever is handy in the bottom of a cookie sheet or pan with low sides. Have your child use their finger to "write" their name, letters, shapes, sight words or numbers in the pan. Save whatever material you used in the pan in a plastic baggy and use it over and over.

Idea 2: Turn on the video app on the phone, computer or whatever device is handy. Have your child make a video of themselves "teaching" something they have learned recently in school.

"audio recordings shared with permission from Scholastic"


Day Two Activities

AMI K Day 2

Additional Hands On/Digital Activities

Idea 1: Using random things from the house (cereal box, tape, string, tooth picks, sticks from outside...) work together and build a ladder that Ralph could have used to get out of the waste basket.

Idea 2: Turn on the video app on the phone, computer or whatever device is handy. Have your child retell the story about Ralph and how he ended up in the waste basket. Encourage them to include as many details as they can.

"audio recordings shared with permission from Scholastic"


Day Three Activities

AMI K Day 3

Additional Hands On/Digital Activities

Idea 1: Gather 5 items from around the house that come in pairs or more (shoes, spoons, toy...) Show your child the 5 items and send them on a scavenger hunt to find the matching or similar item. Set a timer to see how fast it can be done.

Idea 2: Search the app store, google play or other app locations on your device. Find a letter recognition game. Play the game together. If possible have your child tell the sound of the letter they see.

"audio recordings shared with permission from Scholastic"


Day Four Activities

AMI K Day 4

"audio recordings shared with permission from Scholastic"

Day Five Activities

AMI K Day 5

"audio recordings shared with permission from Scholastic"

Day Six Activities

AMI K Day 6

"audio recordings shared with permission from Scholastic"

Day Seven Activities

AMI K Day 7

"audio recordings shared with permission from Scholastic"

Day Eight Activities

AMI K Day 8

"audio recordings shared with permission from Scholastic"

Day Nine Activities

AMI K Day 9

"audio recordings shared with permission from Scholastic"

Day Ten Activities

AMI K Day 10

"audio recordings shared with permission from Scholastic"