SDFA Gifted and Talented Education Page


Welcome to the School District of Fort Atkinson's Gifted and Talented Education website!

It is our goal to meet the needs of all high-ability students, from those who fit the "classical" definition of gifted (as determined by IQ) to those who hunger for more challenge and fall under the "advanced learner" category. In our district, we prefer to call all students who fall into these categories "advanced learners".

What do we offer?

  • Programming: Specific opportunities that are available to selected students who are "maxing out" what they can get in the classroom. They need more opportunities so that their day is not filled with repetition of concepts they have already mastered. The decisions about which children would benefit from programming are made by the GT Coordinator and the child's current teacher. Often, the elementary Library Media Specialist (who is a building-level GT liaison) and building principal will also be involved in this discussion. All of these discussions are data-driven, using longitudinal academic data, ability and achievement testing, and anecdotal data. For more information, please see the appropriate page on this website.

  • Extracurriculars: Opportunities open to any child who may have an interest in that particular area. There is no teacher or parent recommendation necessary, and participation is not dependent on student ability. For more information, please see the appropriate page on this website.

  • Acceleration: Open by School Board Policy to any student who meets the criteria (CLICK HERE to view the SDFA School Board Policy). For more information, please see the appropriate page on this website. For PLATO login. Account: FAHS