Welcome to Salem-Liberty Elementary

A Note from Mrs. Ross


-AIR testing: As we enter the month of April students across the Fort Frye Local School District will be getting prepared to take their state assessments. All children in grades 3-5 will be taking these assessments in reading and math, while fifth grade will also be taking science. Here are a few test taking tips to help your child do their absolute best this upcoming month.

· First, be sure to get enough sleep the night before the test.

· Listen closely to any instructions.

· Read the test through first.

· Focus on addressing each question individually.

· Relax.

· Finish strong. You can do it.

Yearbook Link:

Here is the link so parents/ guardians are able to order yearbooks for this year:


Please feel free to visit us at: http://www.fortfrye. k12.oh.us.

Please note under the documents tab you will find:

-Address change form (you will need to fill this out if your residence changes throughout the school year

and return to Jerry Lowe or email to: jerry.lowe@fortfrye.org

-Principal's monthly newsletter

-School calendar (2021-2022)

-Supply list (2021-2022)

-Extended absence form (planned vacations)

-and the Student Handbook (2021-2022)

Fort Frye Local Schools...where excellence is non-negotiable.