Theology & Religious Studies

Interested in learning more about a major or minor in Theology & Religious Studies? Here you can explore the program requirements, learn about career paths that the study of theology and religion can prepare you for, browse our upcoming courses, and connect with the Associate Chairs who can help you plan and declare your program. 

We offer a 10-course primary major, an 8-course secondary (double) major, and a 6-course minor. All programs offer the flexibility to focus on a variety of religious traditions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, as well as topics such as environmental and bioethics, mysticism and spirituality, gender and sexuality, and the role of religion in the struggle for racial justice. 

Most of our upper-level electives for the major and minor also fulfill upper-level core requirements, and several are cross-listed with other majors and minors. Additionally, most study abroad programs offer courses that fit with our curriculum. Unsure whether you have room in your program to study theology? Reach out via email or the form below, and we will help you figure it out!

Want to discuss more or declare? Get in touch!