Doing the Work

Faculty Research

Aging Behind Prison Walls Receives 2022 SSWR Book Award

Congratulations to Professor Tina Maschi, who was announced the winner of the 2022 Society for Social Work and Research Book Award for her book entitled Aging Behind Prison Walls: Studies in Trauma and Resilience.

In Aging Behind Prison Walls, published in December 2020 by the Columbia University Press, Maschi and co-author Keith Morgen offer a data-driven and compassionate analysis of the lives of incarcerated older people. The authors explore the transferable resiliencies and coping strategies used by incarcerated aging adults to make meaning of their lives before, during, and after imprisonment.

The Society for Social Work said in the announcement that in conferring this award, it is recognizing Maschi’s “outstanding scholarly contributions that advance social work knowledge.”

Headshot of Tina Maschi

Tina Maschi, Ph.D., is a Professor at the Graduate School of Social Service. She has over 15 years of clinical social work and research experience in juvenile and criminal justice settings and community mental health settings. She also is a professional musician and integrates the use of creative arts interventions for improving well-being and feelings of community and empowerment among diverse populations, including youth, older adults, women, and professionals in high stress positions.